Spice and Auction


Designer(s): ISamEI Match Type: MM (for 6 players)
Featured in: Genius Invitational

In Spice and Auction, players will take on the role of traders in a faraway land, called The Kongtinent.

You will buy and sell apples, furs, and spices in seven cities while trying to accumulate the highest-scoring collection of treasure. The game will be played in 6 rounds. The first round you will choose which city to start; for the remaining 5 rounds you will sell goods, take treasures, and bid in auctions.

Traveling the land, and buying/selling goods

Each player will begin the game with 100 coins.

Each of the seven cities has a selling price for the following merchandise: apples, furs, and spices.

When at a city, you may buy and sell any amount of merchandise to and from that city in any combination. (Buy 10 apples, 2 fur, 1 spice.. etc)

Example of a city's selling prices

If you have no merchandise, you can travel to any city in the world your next turn. However, if you have any merchandise, you can only travel to cities that are directly connected to yours with a black line.

However, the objective of the game is not to accumulate coins. The game's objective is to accumulate... #mm8-treasures .


At the start of the game, each city has 7 treasures.

When you are in a city, you must take at least one of that city's treasures.

If you are in a city with no other players, you can take a treasure for free. However, if you are in a city with another player, you must compete in a bidding war.

Each player will submit a draft order

(treasure 1 > treasure 2 > treasure 3 > treasure 4...)

and the number of coins you will spend (e.g. 20 coins). The player who spent more coins will take the treasure they desire first, then the player who spent the next-most treasure, etc.

You must take a treasure from the city if there is one available, even if you do not wish to (the people insist!)

If you go to a city where there are no treasures left, you receive a diamond.

Each city has a list of treasures that are initially available. You will not know which treasures remain until you visit a city; then you will have to take from among the treasures left.

Example of a city and the treasures it potentially has available. (Treasures randomized)

Trading Treasures

On your turn, you may try to give 1 treasure to someone you share a city with (in your submissions). If that player also gave you 1 treasure, then you successfully switch treasures. You can only exchange 1 treasure per turn.

Auction House

Each player will also participate in an auction house. It does not matter where you are on the continent; everyone can and must send in their bids.

Each round, 6 treasures will be available in the auction house.

Each player again will submit a draft order

(treasure 1 > treasure 2 > treasure 3 > treasure 4...)

and the number of coins you will spend (e.g. 10 coins).

The player who spent the most coins will take the treasure they desire first, then the player who spent the next-most treasure, etc.

You receive treasure even if you bid 0 coins. The auction house is generous; you may not refuse the treasures the auction house gives you.

The treasures available in the auction house have been determined in advance.

Treasures and Points

At the game's end, each player will have 10 treasures.

Depending on those treasures, each player will receive a certain number of points. The player with the most coins at the game's end will also receive a 3 point bonus from the Merchant's Guild.

The player with the most points will receive 2 TOLs and 3 garnets. The player with the least points will be EC.

If there is a 3-way tie or more for first place, then the 2nd place player(s) will receive TOL(s)


Public Info

What city you are currently at

Private Info

Treasures held

Treasures you took

Coins you have

Merchandise you have

Announced at End

All treasures you have

Number of coins you have on hand

Point totals

Addendum: The game will be played in 6 rounds. The first round you will choose which city to start; for the remaining 5 rounds you will sell goods, take treasures, and bid in auctions.

Addendum: If there is a tie in bids, then the player who is holding more garnets will win the tie

Rule Clarification

Once a treasure has been taken from a city, it is no longer available there.

Rule Addition

When you have 6 or more pocketwatches, you discard them all (and earn points). @Player Let me know if extra time is needed

Tie Rules Changes/Clarifications

Since we have another 24 hours, I'll also be making this rule changes/clarifications @Player for balance (no more changes will be even if there's another imbalance).

If two players tie for the most in a hoard, they split the first place points the next-place player gets the 3rd award (no the 2nd reward).

If three players tie for first in a hoard, they all split the first place points. No one else gets any points from the hoard (except last place in Sugar still pays penalty).

Multiple players tying for second will result in those points being split, etc.

In Sugar, if you are eligible to receive the first or second award you will not get penalized. Ties for last place in sugar will split the penalty.

All ties rounded closer to zero. (Rounded down for awards, rounded towards zero for the sugar penalty).

Rule Clarification

A turn resolves in the following order:

  1. Buy/sell goods in a city you are at
  2. Trade goods treasures with another player
  3. Bid for treasures in city / at auction (you can't bid more coins than you have)
  4. Receive treasures/traded goods
  5. Move to a new city (or stay in the one you were at)

Pocketwatch Announcements

I'll announce when someone reaches 6 or more pocket watches, but not who.

Rule Addition

You don't need to list a full draft if you wish

(treasure1 > treasure2 > treasure3 > treasure4... etc)

but if you do not and you are unable to get any treasures you asked for, you'll end up with a random draft.

For an auction, your remaining, unsaid, list will also be randomized. This is not advised.

Elixir Clarification

Elixirs are worth 1 point for every category of treasure you have (not including itself) if you have at least 4 different categories.

This means for example if you had Diamond Ruby Pocketwatch x2 Pocketwatch x1 Elixir Gold Silver Necklace your Elixir would be worth 4 points.

Wine Clarification

Having 1 wine is worth 3 points (total)

Having 2 wine is still worth 3 points (total)

3 or more win is worth 0 points (total)

Trading Clarification

You can only trade with max one player per turn. (Can only trade one treasure per turn, as stated).
