13 Chambers


Designer(s): ISamEI Match Type: MM (for 7 players)
Featured in: Genius Invitational

In 13 chambers, player will solve passwords and raid a 13 - room tomb for gold. 🛕

At the game's beginning, 4 puzzle rooms and the Golden Room will be available. Every round, as players further explore the temple, you will be able to access more rooms.

Level 0: Golden Room (available starting round 1)

Level 1: Alien Change-Change Genius Theater Eat Until Done (available starting round 1)

Level 2: Genius-100 Notepad Listen Missing (available round 2)

Level 3: Recipe White to Move High Score In Taipei Cumulative (available starting round 3)

Accessing a Chamber

Each round, you can submit two rooms and passwords to attempt to access them. A password contains letters a-z, no spaces, is not case sensitive, and can be a proper noun.

If your password is correct, you will enter that chamber and be able to take any of the following actions in that room the next round.

Each chamber begins the game with a pile of 100 gold inside it. . Players will know what room(s) they are in and what other players are in that room and how much gold it currently has. Each player will be added to a chatroom that reveals the other players in the room and a log of the amount of gold in the pile, with chat history enabled, so be careful.

Room Actions

Once you are in a room, you can do any of the following in combination. They resolve in order from top to bottom. Submit actions per room.

You can take gold, rob a player, and search for treasure all in one turn for example.


💰 Take gold

You can take any quantity of gold from the room (you can't try to take more gold than actually exists). However, if the sum of all the player's requested gold is higher than is available in the room, the player who took the least gold that round (but tried to take at least 1 gold) gains a curse, and no player gets any gold from this action (the pile remains the same size). If all players tie for the least gold taken, none of them gain a curse. You can gain at most 3 curses in one round.

🔫 Rob player

You can rob one player in the room. Whatever amount of gold a player has earned from the room across all rounds will go to the robber. A player will know what room they've been robbed in, but not who robbed them.

If two players try to rob each other, they are both arrested, ejected, and barred from the chamber.

If a robber robs a robber, he will also earn the other robber's ill-gotten gains.

If multiple robbers rob a single player, then all gold the robbed player has earned is split evenly between the robbers (rounded down).

If a player robs someone who earned no gold from the room, the robber is arrested and ejected from the chamber.

🔑 Open chamber

The room is"opened", and the remaining gold in the pile is divided equally among the players who are currently in the room and have just arrived (correctly entered a password for this room in this round). No more actions can be taken in this room.

A room that has no gold left in it opens automatically. All rooms will automatically open at the seventh round, even if no one is present in them.

🔦 Search for More Treasure

If at least one player searches for treasure, the amount of gold remaining in the room is doubled. This does not stack for multiple players (if two players do this in a round, the treasure does not quadruple). Note that this does nothing if the chamber has already been opened.

Information 📋

The following info will be private

-Curses you have

-Rooms you are in (to players who do not share those rooms with you)

-Total gold you earned

The following info will be available in your rooms

-Other players in your room

-Amount of gold in the pile

The following info will be public

-Rooms that have been opened

-Arrests and ejections

The following info will be announced at game end

-Curse counts

-Arrest counts

-Total gold each player earned

Ending the Game 🐍

The game ends when any of the following events happen.

1) All rooms are opened

The player with the most gold then wins the game and earns 3 garnets and 2 TOLs. If 3 or more players tie for most gold, then the second place players all win TOLs instead. The player with the least gold becomes EC.

2) A player accumulates four or more curses or three or more arrests

The player with the most gold then wins the game and earns 3 garnets and 2 TOLs. If 3 or more players tie for most gold, then the second place players all win TOLs instead.

The player with the most curses and arrests becomes EC. If multiple players accumulate >four curses or >three arrests in a round, the player with the least gold among them becomes EC.

Garnet Spending

Every round, players may bid garnets for access to the Golden Room (which has 100 gold).

The two players who bid the most garnets enter the Golden Room successfully. If multiple players tie for second-highest bid, none of them enter. If more than three players tie for highest bid, no one enters. If your bid is unsuccessful, you spend no garnets.

Curse/Arrest Removal

Once per MM, you may also spend 3 garnets to remove 1 curse/arrest that you have.

Addendum: The clarifications and corrections channel has perished. Instead, addendums and clarifications will be posted in this channel.


You do not solve a room and take actions for a room on the same turn.

For example, if I solve alien, I will submit actions for alien room next turn.

However, if I solve a room the same round someone opens it, I would receive a share of the gold.


Robbers who are arrested immediately leave the chamber and cannot return. They do not gain gold from the room opening, nor can they search for treasure.

Addendum - Puzzle Requirements

Some puzzles may require internet access to solve.

Addendum - Solution Information

Solutions to all puzzles will be released when MM is over, but only after EC and DMO selection.


77.61 should be 77.16 in --Change Change. 😢

All puzzles should be good. 👍

Change in Genius Theater

Changed entire sentence from

"He can hardly be understood" to "We can really hardly understand that man!"


You can both bid for golden room and submit 2 passwords.


After a chamber is opened, all players leave the room (no more actions can be taken in the room)


Due to reasons, the puzzles Recipe and High Score in Taipei were made available in round 2 instead of round 3, and Genius-100 as well as Missing was moved back to be available in round 3 as opposed to during round 2.


If a puzzle goes unsolved for two turns in a row, a public hint will be released for it.


Added lines to recipe.

Throw in some n


Throw in some w


the remaining gold in the pile is divided equally among the players who are currently in the room and have just arrived

If you open a room, then the remaining gold pile is split among the players currently in the room and players who have entered successfully (submitted a password to that room without the chance to take any actions).


Even when a room opens automatically, it opens after robbing happens.


If all players tie for the least gold taken among those who took gold, none of them gain a curse. You can gain at most 3 curses in one round.


After two rounds of a puzzle not being solved, additional hints will be given for it every round afterwards.


Lowest Gold among those with at least 4 Curses or 3 Arrests will become EC, if multiple players receive more than 3 curses or more than 2 arrests.


If a puzzle goes unsolved for two turns in a row, a public hint will be released for it. -> If a puzzle is not solved for two turns, that round and every round afterwards until it is solved there will be a public hint released for the puzzle.


Cannot submit two passwords to the same room in one round.
