Operation Tic-Tac-Toe

In this Death Match, avoid your opponent's predictions while placing down specialists to win games of Tic-Tac-Toe. (Original design by Brandon Beran)

Designer(s): Non-original Game Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: The Genius: Tempo Up

DeathMatch 11: Operation Tic Tac Toe

In this game, players will play a modified version of Tic Tac Toe.

Players will use spies instead of standard Tic Tac Toe pieces.

The first player to win 4 rounds wins the DM.

At the start of each round, each player will be shown 3 of their 8 specialists at random. (shows options for both players)

They must choose which specialist from these they want to use this round.

Once a specialist is used, it is discarded at the end of the round and cannot be used again.

If in the case we have played 8 rounds and neither player has reached 4 wins, all specialist will be reset.

Additionally, you will be able to pick 2 from any of the 8 each round, instead of 1 from a selection of 3.

The specialist each player has chosen will be revealed. Players have 90 seconds to decide their specialist.

Each Specialist has it's own special power that will influence the board.

These will help you to get into a better position than your opponent.

Each turn, 1 player will be the "Placer" the other will be the "Predictor".

Who is which will alternate every turn.

The DMO will choose which they would like to be first in round 1.

Every following round, who decides who is which role first is decided by the loser of the previous round.

If the previous round ended in a draw, it will be the person who didn't start the previous round.

Round Play


The placer will choose one of the 9 sections (known as rooms) labelled A-I to place either:

  • Their spy into an empty room.
  • Their specialist into it's designated room.

(not stating which you use will results in a spy by default)


The predicter will choose one of the 9 letters where they think their opponent will move.

If the Predictor correctly guesses where the Placer will go, their move is cancelled.

If the prediction was correct for a specialist, the specialist is discarded and cannot be used again.

If the Predictor was incorrect, the spy/specialist is placed there. (we don't check for 3 in a row yet)

This will then cause the specialists ability to activate. (we then check for 3 in a row after specialist ability is used)

Some specialists abilities are mandatory, some are optional.

Afterwards we spot roles and continue again.

Players have 1 minute to complete each submission.

Failure to submit will result in no placing or no predicting occurring.

The first player to make a 3 in a row with either their placed spies or specialists wins.

A draw is declared when it is clear neither player can win. This is happens when:

  • There is only 1 unoccupied space remaining on the board, and both players specialists cannot be placed on an occupied space.
  • Both players make a line of 3 at the same time (due to a specialists ability)
  • Both players agree to a draw. (can offer at any time)
  • An optimal move stalemate is reached (clear that neither player can win) (up to host discretion, usually after many turns of no action)

In this case nobody scores a round win.


Each Specialist has a different ability, described below.

Specialists may not affect (push, remove, displace, etc.) other Specialists with their abilities.

Piece Destruction


Play into an empty room.

You may remove 1 enemy Spy from the same row or column.


Play into an empty room.

You may remove 1 enemy Spy from a room adjacent orthogonally or diagonally.


Play into an enemy spy room.

The enemy spy is removed and replaced with your assassin.

Piece Relocation


Play into an friendly spy room that is orthogonally adjacent to an Empty Room.

The Spy moves into an orthogonally adjacent Empty Room.


Play into an empty room.

You must (if possible to) swap the locations of a Friendly and Enemy Spy that are in a room adjacent orthogonally or diagonally.


Play into an empty room.

You may move this piece into an orthogonally adjacent room.

If that room is occupied, that piece is pushed into the next room in the same direction.

If there is no room (edge of board) the piece is removed instead.

This repeats if the pushed piece would move into an occupied room.

If at any point a specialist piece would be moved (beside this pusher) then the push doesn't happen.


Play into an empty room.

You may swap the Grappler with an enemy spy in an orthogonally adjacent room.

Piece Prediction


Play into an empty room.

You now predict 2 locations instead of 1 during your opponents placer phase.

This lasts until you successfully block a placement.


Now DM is over and no more research, this is a modified version of Pocket Ops by Brandon Beran


Connect in a Row    (The game involves players connecting pieces in a row, like gomoku.)

Grid-based    (The game involves play on a grid.)

Piece placement    (The game involves pieces being placed on a board.)

Psych    (The game tests the players' psychological & bluffing abilities.)

Simultaneous    (The game involves players taking their turns simultaneously.)

Tic-Tac-Toe    (The game involves elements of the classic game Tic-Tac-Toe.)

Turn-based    (The game involves players taking turns one after another.)