Wizards' Duel

In this Death Match, win a duel between wizards by playing your hand skillfully.

Designer(s): Deusovi Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: Genius Game 3.3, DM Colosseum, Squeaky Genius: Legends Untold, Blooming Genius: The Elder Tree, The Genius Puzzler
Awards: Best Psychological DM 2022

Final Match: Wizard's Duel

Your objective is to win a spell-casting match against your opponent... and do it twice.

The game is divided into 3 matches. Each match will conclude on a win for one player; the first player to win two matches wins the game.

Each match is divided into 9 rounds. In each round, you will choose a spell to cast. In general, the spell with higher strength scores a hit, but effects might change that.

These are the spells, along with their strengths and effects:

  • 1 (Greater Restoration): The spell cast in the previous round is refreshed; you can cast it again in a future round. (If you play this in the first round, nothing happens. If the spell you take was hidden by 3 (Fog Cloud), your opponent doesn't know its identity.)
  • 2 (Counterspell): If the opponent plays X (Power Word Kill) in this round, you immediately win the match.
  • 3 (Fog Cloud): The identity of your next spell is hidden. However, the winner will still be revealed, and your opponent will see the effect of 1 (Greater Restoration, as in the opponent sees you taking your previous spell) or 8 (Charm Person, as in the opponent knows what you're vetoing).
  • 4 (Confusion): This round, the spell with lower strength scores a hit instead of the spell with higher strength. (X (Power Word Kill) will still win against this spell.)
  • 5 (Bless): Your next spell's strength is increased by 2. (Strength is not limited to the range 1-8. This does not affect the spell's effect. This does not apply to X (Power Word Kill).)
  • 6 (Firebolt): If you win this round, you gain 2 hits instead of 1.
  • 7 (Ray of Frost): Your next spell's strength is decreased by 2. (Strength is not limited to the range 1-8. This does not affect the spell's effect. This does not apply to X (Power Word Kill).)
  • 8 (Charm Person): You may declare a spell that your opponent may not use next round. This spell may not be 2 (Counterspell) or X (Power Word Kill).
  • X (Power Word Kill): This spell has no strength. This spell wins against any other spell except 2 (Counterspell). If this spell is played against 1 (Greater Restoration), you immediately win the match.

If a match is not automatically won (due to the effects of 2 (Counterspell) or X (Power Word Kill)), the match ends after 9 rounds. The player with more hits scored wins the match. In case of a tie, the player with the Balance of Harmony item wins the match.

Matches have no impact on future matches. In particular, any effects that refer to the next round do not occur, and both players are reset to the standard 9 spells. The player to win two out of three matches wins the game.

Submissions and time controls:

  • Each round lasts for 90 seconds. As long as the time is not up, you may change your submission.
  • If you haven't submitted any spell when the round ends, you immediately lose the match.
  • In case you play 8 (Charm Person), you have 90 seconds after the turn is over to decide what spell to veto. Like before, you may change your submission until the time is up, and if you fail to choose, you immediately lose the match. If both players played 8, both players make their choices at the same time.


  • Balance of Harmony: Automatic use at the end of a tied match. You win the match instead. You then give this item to the opponent.
  • Staff of Charming: Use when you play 8 (Charm Person). You may veto two spells instead of one. If this rules out all of your opponent's spells, it has no effect. One-time use.
  • Ring of Spell Storing: Use at the start of a match. You may replace one spell with another spell with lower strength, or replace X (Power Word Kill) with any other spell. (Unlike the power of 5 (Bless) and 7 (Ray of Frost), this does change the spell's effect accordingly. X (Power Word Kill) has no strength, which is different from 0 strength; you cannot replace any spell with X.) Your opponent will know which spell you replaced and to what. One-time use.

🔴 ⚔️ Death Match (Red Meadow): Archwizard's Duel ⚔️ 🔴

In this duel of wizards, overwhelm your opponent with fantastic spells.

In each duel, cast a stronger spell than the opponent to get a point. Or perhaps cast a spell for its effect. Either way, outthink your opponent so you score more points, or perhaps win a duel instantly. The first player to win three duels wins the game.

The first version of this game, Wizard's Duel, was invented by Deusovi. It first appeared in Genius Game 3.3 and later appeared in DM Colosseum. This version has several changes from the original.


The game is divided into five duels, plus one possible tiebreaking duel. Each duel is independent from each other and results in one player scoring a victory (or potentially neither player, in case of a tie). The player that scores more victories wins the game.

🀄 At the start of each duel, you begin with 10 spells in hand. Each spell has a strength and an effect. The list of spells is given under the 📌 "spells" heading below. Some spells override the general rules; if a spell's effect contradicts the general rules, the spell's effect takes precedence.

Each duel consists of 10 rounds, although it may end early.

🧠 In each round, each player casts one spell they have in hand. Players choose simultaneously, so you don't know what your opponent is going to cast.

After both players have chosen their spells, the spells are revealed and cast, and their effects take place. The player that casts a spell with higher strength wins 1 point; in case of a tie, neither scores any point. Either way, your chosen spell is removed from your hand.

🧬 The timing of effects uses common sense. Effects that modify the current round's scoring, including some instant-win effects, take place during scoring. Other effects take place right after scoring.

👑 The duel ends after 10 rounds. The player with more points wins the duel and scores a victory. In case of a tie, the duel ends in a draw.

👑 Some spell effects may end a duel prematurely and declare a winner for the duel. In this case, the spell's effect states who wins the duel.

👑 The DM consists of five duels. After five duels, the player with more victories wins the DM. The DM also ends after a player has three victories, as the opponent cannot catch up.

🧬 If a duel ends in a draw, it's possible that both players end the set of duels with the same number of victories. In this case, an extra duel is played; the winner of this duel wins the game. If this extra duel also ends in a draw, the player with the DM advantage wins the game.

📌 Spells

The strength of a spell is given to the left of its name. Power Word Kill (X) has no strength. The effect of each spell is listed directly after its name; the bullet points are for clarifications of interactions.

0️⃣ (0) Phantasmal Killer: After scoring, if you are leading by two or more points, you win the duel.

  • This effect takes place after scoring the current round. If you were leading by two points before scoring, but you no longer lead by two points after, the instant-win effect doesn't trigger.

1️⃣ (1) Greater Restoration: Return the spell you cast in the previous round into your hand.

  • This spell has no effect if played in the first round.
  • If the previous round's spell was hidden by Fog Cloud (3), your opponent doesn't know its identity even as you return it to your hand.

2️⃣ (2) Counterspell: Cancel the effect of your opponent's spell this round. If your opponent casts Power Word Kill (X) this round, you win the duel.

  • If this spell is cast against another Counterspell (2), this spell has no effect.
  • The effect of the opponent's spell is completely canceled. For example, if the opponent casts Charm Person (8), they will not choose a spell to ban.

3️⃣ (3) Fog Cloud: Next round, the identity of your spell is hidden.

  • The winner of the round is still revealed.
  • Your opponent knows any side effects of your spell. Check the 📌 "information" heading under the "administration" section for what information is revealed exactly.

4️⃣ (4) Confusion: The winner of this round is the player that casts the spell with lower strength instead.

  • If this spell is cast against another Confusion (4), the winner of the round is still the player that casts the spell with lower strength. They don't cancel each other and they don't stack.
  • Power Word Kill (X) has no strength and still wins against this spell.

5️⃣ (5) Bless: Next round, the strength of your spell is increased by 2.

  • A spell's strength may go above 8.
  • Power Word Kill (X) has no strength and is unaffected by this spell.
  • The identity and effect of the spell aren't affected.

6️⃣ (6) Firebolt: If you win this round, you get 2 points instead.

  • If your opponent wins the round, they still only get 1 point (unless they cast Firebolt (6) themself).

7️⃣ (7) Ray of Frost: Next round, the strength of your spell is decreased by 2.

  • A spell's strength may go below 0.
  • Power Word Kill (X) has no strength and is unaffected by this spell.
  • The identity and effect of the spell aren't affected.

8️⃣ (8) Charm Person: After scoring, you may choose a spell other than Counterspell (2) and Power Word Kill (X). Next round, your opponent must cast a spell other than your chosen spell if able.

  • If your opponent cannot cast any spell other than the chosen spell, they are allowed to cast the chosen spell.

🇽 (X) Power Word Kill: This spell wins against all spells other than Counterspell (2) and Power Word Kill (X). If your opponent casts Greater Restoration (1) this round, you win the duel.

  • This spell ties with another Power Word Kill (X), and neither player will get a point that way.


📌 ⏰ Timing

You have 90 seconds to decide on a spell. If you run out of time, you lose the duel.

If you play Charm Person (8), you have 30 seconds to choose a spell. If both players play Charm Person (8) at the same time, both players will make their decisions simultaneously. If time runs out, you are assumed not to choose a spell.

There is a 90-second break between duels.

📌 🧠 Submissions and allowed tools

Your submissions are done in your table channel. There is one exception: If you play Charm Person (8) and your opponent doesn't, you may opt to declare your choice in the game room. In all cases, you may change your submission until the deadline.

When casting a spell, your submission consists of the spell you want to cast. It must be among the spells still in your hand. You may either give the name or the (unmodified) strength of the spell.

When choosing a spell for Charm Person (8), your submission consists of the spell you want to choose. It can be any of the spells other than Counterspell (2) and Power Word Kill (X).

You may use any available tools for note-taking. However, you may not talk to other people or use any automated programs.

📌 📡 Information

Nearly everything in this game is public information; the main exceptions are the spells that are going to be cast for the current round, and spells hidden by Fog Cloud (3).

More specifically, this game has the following pieces of information, along with how and when they are revealed to the players, if at all. If a piece of information is not in this list, it is likely public information, but feel free to clarify.

🔺 Publicly announced, at the end of every round

  • The current round number.
  • What spell is cast by each player. (The exception is if the spell is hidden by Fog Cloud (3).)
  • Whether someone that casts Charm Person (8) chooses to ban a spell, and if so, what spell is chosen.
  • Which player wins the round.
  • How many points each player has.
  • Whether the duel ends prematurely due to the instant-win spells (Phantasmal Killer (0), Counterspell (2), Power Word Kill (X)).

🔺 Publicly announced, at the end of every duel

  • Which player wins the duel.
  • How many victories each player has earned.

🔺 Publicly announced, at the end of the DM

  • The complete log of each duel.

🔻 Explicitly only private to you

  • What spell you are going to cast for the current round.
  • What spell you cast, if it's hidden by Fog Cloud (3).
  • What spells are in your hand.


📌 Differences from Wizard's Duel

The first version of the game is called Wizard's Duel and was invented by Deusovi. It first appeared in Genius Game 3.3, and later appeared in DM Colosseum.

The changes from Wizard's Duel are:

  • The game is now a best of 5 duels. You need to win 3 duels to win (with exception of tied duels).
  • There is a new spell, Phantasmal Killer (0).
  • The effect of Counterspell (2) is changed.

As this is a variant of Wizard's Duel, the same restrictions regarding practicing DM applies to Wizard's Duel itself: you may only practice Archwizard's Duel, Wizard's Duel, or similar games with players in this ORG, not spectators, eliminated players, or other people not in this ORG.

📌 DM advantage

During the first 11 episodes, the DM advantage (wins ties in the tiebreak duel) goes to the player chosen as the DM Opponent.

If this game becomes a Final Match game, the DM advantage will be described later.

Death Match 3: Wizard's Duel

In each duel, cast a stronger spell than the opponent to get a point. Or perhaps cast a spell for its effect. Either way, outthink your opponent so you score more points, or perhaps win a duel instantly. The first player to win two duels wins the game.

Wizard's Duel was invented by Deusovi. It first appeared in Genius Game 3.3 and later appeared in DM Colosseum. A variant of the game, Archwizard's Duel, appeared in Blooming Genius: The Elder Tree. The rules here are taken from that version, with some changes.


The game is divided into three duels, plus one possible tiebreaking duel. Each duel is independent from each other and results in one player scoring a victory (or potentially neither player, in case of a tie). The player that scores more victories wins the game.

At the start of each duel, you begin with 9 spells in hand. Each spell has a strength and an effect. The list of spells is given under the "spells" heading below. Some spells override the general rules; if a spell's effect contradicts the general rules, the spell's effect takes precedence.

Each duel consists of 9 rounds, although it may end early.

In each round, each player casts one spell they have in hand. Players choose simultaneously, so you don't know what your opponent is going to cast.

After both players have chosen their spells, the spells are revealed and cast, and their effects take place. The player that casts a spell with higher strength wins 1 point; in case of a tie, neither scores any point. Either way, your chosen spell is removed from your hand.

The timing of effects uses common sense. Effects that modify the current round's scoring, including some instant-win effects, take place during scoring. Other effects take place right after scoring.

The duel ends after 9 rounds. The player with more points wins the duel and scores a victory. In case of a tie, the duel ends in a draw. However, some spell effects may end a duel prematurely and declare a winner for the duel. In this case, the spell's effect states who wins the duel.

The DM consists of three duels. After three duels, the player with more victories wins the DM. The DM also ends after a player has two victories, as the opponent cannot catch up.

If a duel ends in a draw, it's possible that both players end the set of duels with the same number of victories. In this case, an extra duel is played; the winner of this duel wins the game. If this extra duel also ends in a draw, the Death Match Opponent wins the game.


The strength of a spell is given to the left of its name. Power Word Kill (X) has no strength. The effect of each spell is listed directly after its name; the bullet points are for clarifications of interactions.

1️⃣ (1) Greater Restoration: Return the spell you cast in the previous round into your hand.

  • This spell has no effect if played in the first round.
  • If the previous round's spell was hidden by Fog Cloud (3), your opponent doesn't know its identity even as you return it to your hand.

2️⃣ (2) Counterspell: Cancel the effect of your opponent's spell this round. If your opponent casts Power Word Kill (X) this round, you win the duel.

  • If this spell is cast against another Counterspell (2), this spell has no effect.
  • The effect of the opponent's spell is completely canceled. For example, if the opponent casts Charm Person (8), they will not choose a spell to ban.

3️⃣ (3) Fog Cloud: Next round, the identity of your spell is hidden.

  • The winner of the round is still revealed.
  • Your opponent knows any side effects of your spell. Check the "information" heading under the "administration" section for what information is revealed exactly.

4️⃣ (4) Confusion: The winner of this round is the player that casts the spell with lower strength instead.

  • If this spell is cast against another Confusion (4), the winner of the round is still the player that casts the spell with lower strength. They don't cancel each other and they don't stack.
  • Power Word Kill (X) has no strength and still wins against this spell.

5️⃣ (5) Bless: Next round, the strength of your spell is increased by 2.

  • A spell's strength may go above 8.
  • Power Word Kill (X) has no strength and is unaffected by this spell.
  • The identity and effect of the spell aren't affected.

6️⃣ (6) Firebolt: If you win this round, you get 2 points instead.

  • If your opponent wins the round, they still only get 1 point (unless they cast Firebolt (6) themself).

7️⃣ (7) Ray of Frost: Next round, the strength of your spell is decreased by 2.

  • A spell's strength may go below 1.
  • Power Word Kill (X) has no strength and is unaffected by this spell.
  • The identity and effect of the spell aren't affected.

8️⃣ (8) Charm Person: After scoring, you may choose a spell other than Counterspell (2) and Power Word Kill (X). Next round, your opponent must cast a spell other than your chosen spell if able.

  • If your opponent cannot cast any spell other than the chosen spell, they are allowed to cast the chosen spell.

🇽 (X) Power Word Kill: This spell wins against all spells other than Counterspell (2) and Power Word Kill (X). If your opponent casts Greater Restoration (1) this round, you win the duel.

  • This spell ties with another Power Word Kill (X), and neither player will get a point that way.



You have 90 seconds to decide on a spell. If you run out of time, you lose the duel.

If you play Charm Person (8), you have 30 seconds to choose a spell. If both players play Charm Person (8) at the same time, both players will make their decisions simultaneously. If time runs out, you are assumed not to choose a spell.

Submissions and allowed tools

Your submissions are done in your submissions channel. There is one exception: If you play Charm Person (8) and your opponent doesn't, you may opt to declare your choice in the game room. In all cases, you may change your submission until the deadline.

When casting a spell, your submission consists of the spell you want to cast. It must be among the spells still in your hand. You may either give the name or the (unmodified) strength of the spell.

When choosing a spell for Charm Person (8), your submission consists of the spell you want to choose. It can be any of the spells other than Counterspell (2) and Power Word Kill (X).

You may use any available tools for note-taking. However, you may not talk to other people or use any automated programs.


Nearly everything in this game is public information; the main exceptions are the spells that are going to be cast for the current round, and spells hidden by Fog Cloud (3).

More specifically, this game has the following pieces of information, along with how and when they are revealed to the players, if at all. If a piece of information is not in this list, it is likely public information, but feel free to clarify.

Publicly announced, at the end of every round

  • The current round number.
  • What spell is cast by each player. (The exception is if the spell is hidden by Fog Cloud (3).)
  • Whether someone that casts Charm Person (8) chooses to ban a spell, and if so, what spell is chosen.
  • Which player wins the round.
  • How many points each player has.
  • Whether the duel ends prematurely due to the instant-win spells (Counterspell (2), Power Word Kill (X)).

Publicly announced, at the end of every duel

  • Which player wins the duel.
  • How many victories each player has earned.

Publicly announced, at the end of the DM

  • The complete log of each duel.

Explicitly only private to you

  • What spell you are going to cast for the current round.
  • What spell you cast, if it's hidden by Fog Cloud (3).
  • What spells are in your hand.

In addition, the following side effects of spells are visible even if you hide the spell using Fog Cloud (3):

  • (2) Counterspell and (X) Power Word Kill: If the instant-win condition is triggered, the fact that you win the duel immediately.
  • (1) Greater Restoration: The fact that you returned a spell to your hand.
  • (2) Counterspell: The lack of effect of a countered spell might be visible. For example, if the opponent plays Greater Restoration (1) that gets countered, the fact that no spell is returned to the opponent's hand will be visible.
  • (5) Bless and (7) Ray of Frost: In the next round, the effects of these spells might be visible if the winner of the round is not what was expected based on spell strengths.
  • (6) Firebolt: If you win the round, the fact that you gained 2 points instead of 1.
  • (8) Charm Person: The fact that you get the choice whether to ban a spell, and if you do ban one, the banned spell.

To make finals is to demonstrate inner strength, wisdom, and courage. In this world, your power has begun to rival that of gods. No further proof is necessary than when the Olympians themselves recognized your talents. Zeus personally invited you to join the Olympians as one of the new gods of this world. But they only have one seat for their next Olympian, and there are two of you. Who will ascend will be chosen by a duel. Each of the Olympians have pledged to lend you their power during the duel — but it’s up to you to use them wisely to ascend to Mount Olympus.

In The Gods Collide, players pray to the 12 Olympians to channel their powers in psychological warfare.

This Final Match takes place in 3 bouts. The player to win 2 bouts first wins.

Each bout takes place over 9 rounds. During each round, both players will privately submit a power to channel. Each power has a strength and an effect.

At the end of each round, the powers channeled by both players are revealed. Then, the player who channeled the power with greater strength wins 1 point. If there is a tie, neither player gains a point. Both powers are then exhausted and may not be used again for the rest of the bout.

Some powers override the general rules; if a power's effect contradicts the general rules, the power's effect takes precedence.

After 9 rounds have taken place, the bout immediately ends. The winner of the bout is the player with more points.

There are a total of 9 powers in The Gods Collide. They are as follows, from lowest strength to highest.

1 (Great Harvest): The power channeled in the previous round is refreshed; you can channel it again in a future round.

  • If you play this in the first round, nothing happens.
  • If the power you take was hidden by 3 (Trickster Magic), your opponent doesn't know its identity.

2 (Divorce): Cancel the effect of your opponent's power this round. If your opponent channels Power Bolt Kill (X) this round, you win the bout.

3 (Trickster Magic): The identity of your next power is hidden.

  • The winner of the round is still revealed.
  • Your opponent will still see the effect of 1 (Great Harvest, as in the opponent sees you taking your previous spell) or 8 (Charm, as in the opponent knows what you're vetoing).
  • Your opponent will still see that you won 2 points instead of 1 if you win with 6 (Bloodlust) next round.

4 (Night Plague): This round, the power with lower strength wins the point instead of the power with higher strength.

  • X (Power Bolt Kill) will still win against this power.

5 (Forge): Your next power’s strength is increased by 2.

  • A power’s strength may go above 8.
  • Power Bolt Kill (X) has no strength and is unaffected by this power.
  • The identity and effect of the power aren't affected.

6 (Bloodlust): If you win this round, you win 2 points instead of 1.

  • If your opponent wins the round, they still only get 1 point (unless they cast 6 themselves).

7 (Trident of the Sea): Your next power’s strength is decreased by 2.

  • A power’s strength may go below 0.
  • Power Bolt Kill (X) has no strength and is unaffected by this power.
  • The identity and effect of the power aren't affected.

8 (Charm): After powers are revealed, you may declare a power that your opponent may not channel during the next round.

  • This power may not be used on 2 (Divorce) or X (Power Bolt Kill).
  • If your opponent cannot channel any power other than the chosen power, they are allowed to channel the chosen power.

X (Power Bolt Kill): This spell has no strength. This spell wins against any other spell except 2 (Divorce). If this spell is played against 1 (Great Harvest), you immediately win the bout.

  • This power ties with another Power Bolt Kill (X), and neither player will get a point that way.

Each round, players will have 90 seconds to submit a power to channel. If you do not submit a power in time, you immediately lose the bout.

Athena’s Wisdom — Earn the ability to channel the power, Wisdom of Warfare. The effect is as follows:

  • 0 (Wisdom of Warfare): After scoring, if you are leading by two or more points, you win the bout.

This power can be channeled during any round in any bout, but may only be done once during the entire Finals Match.

Hestia’s Hearth — At the end of a bout, if the scores are tied, the owner of this item wins the bout.

Apollo’s Daybreak — After a round, you may publicly declare that you will use Apollo’s Daybreak. If so, the last round is undone. The game then resumes.

The item drafting order is as follows: Violet, Violet, Violet.

Clarification: Apollo's Daybreak cannot be used if a bout ends. Essentially, it cannot undo the results of a turn that results in a win, or undo the 9th round.


Cards    (The game involves cards of any kind.)

Psych    (The game tests the players' psychological & bluffing abilities.)

Simultaneous    (The game involves players taking their turns simultaneously.)