
In this Main Match, ace the midterm with limited information and communication.

Designer(s): pseudonam Match Type: MM (for 5 players)
Featured in: The Genius: Variations on a Theme

MM8: Meta-Quiz

It's time for the VoaT midterm! Closed book, closed notes, closed communications... but you've found a way around your proctor's prying eyes.


There is a 24 hour pregame before the MM begins. During this time, you can communicate. Once it begins, communications are closed, and no game-related communication outside certain pair-chats are allowed.

Each player will be given a 60 question quiz (each question is numbered from 1-60). There are six rounds (24 hours each).

At game start, players cannot communicate at all. The first player to message in a pair chat opens communications with the other player for the duration of the round. Players can't open communications with more than one player in a round, or with the same player more than once throughout the MM. (The other player can open comms back in the future, though.)

Players will receive 10 questions per round. A question will look like the following:

Question #0 (3 PV): Name a positive integer. If you submit the lowest number, lose 2 PV. [Integer]

Players must answer each of the ten questions in the format required by the bracket (players cannot skip any question, nor give an answer not in the specified format).

The PV (or Point Value) is the amount of points a question is worth. If you answer the question correctly, you score that many points. If you answer the question incorrectly, you will score 0 points from the question.

Questions may also add additional conditions that can affect its PV. However, it can never go below 0.

For example, if you answered Question #0 with -100, you would earn 0 points. Incorrect answers still count in submissions. So, your submission could still count for the lowest number.

Clarifications on common answer formats:

[Positive/Negative Number/Integer]: does not include 0.

[Integer]: can only be expressed numerically, such as 123 or 346. 10^1000 is not legal, for instance.

[Decimal]: must be expressed in integer or decimal form, such as 123 and 3.46. 98/10 is not legal.

[Number]: can be expressed in any reasonable form.

[Word]: different spellings and/or capitalization (eg: gray/Grey) are equivalent

[Letter Sequence]: different spellings are not equivalent, but different capitalizations are (gray/grey are different, gray/Gray are not).

Players will know the number of points they have received for each question at the end of each round.


Round 1: Theme

Round 2: Nullification

Each player can choose a question. That question's PV decreases by 2 for all players.

Round 3: Peek

For each player, players can choose a question with number #1-20. They will learn that player's answer to the question.

Round 4: Think Different

For every question, if another player submits the same answer as you, PV is decreased by 1.

Round 5: History Quiz

Many questions will be related to the results of a previous MM. Players will be unable to view any channels exclusively related to previous episodes (including episode categories, pair chats with eliminated players, and so on) for the duration of the round.

Round 6: Copyists

For each question, players can instead write a player's name in brackets instead of an answer. They will submit whatever that player submits. Players can only copy one submission from each of the other four players.


Limited communication    (The game cuts or restricts communications in some way between players.)

Memory    (The game tests the players' memories.)

Mental    (The game tests mental agility.)

Miscellaneous    (The game tests a miscellaneous set of skills.)

Trivia    (The game tests the players' trivia skills.)