Presents of Mine

In this Main Match, send and receive different types of presents to earn points.

Designer(s): pseudonam Match Type: MM (for 8 players)
Featured in: The Genius: Variations on a Theme
See Also: Pass the Present

MM5: Presents of Mine


In a 48-hour pregame, players pick five distinct presents from a list of ten to add to their inventory. The presents and their abilities will be given at the end of the ruleset.

All presents begin with a staleness value that depends on the number of players that have selected that present.

Players | Staleness

1-2: 0 3: 1 4-5: 2 6-8: 3

Then, all players are given an extra Average Present with a staleness of 0, for a total of six presents. Players will be represented by a letter and a staleness value (eg: A3).


There are five rounds in this MM.

At the start of the first round, players will be randomly arranged in a list. The list will be reversed at the start of the third round.

Players will pass three of their presents along to the three players below them, looping around. Players do this by assigning one present to each of the three players.

Immediately after the pre-game, and at the end of each round (once presents have been received), players will score points.

First, all present abilities will activate. Points earned from presents will be added to a player’s total.

Secondly, players will lose points equal to the sum of the staleness values of their presents. Players can overall lose points from individual presents, but if a player’s total score would decrease in a given round, it stays the same instead.

Finally, all presents which were not passed will have their staleness increased by one, and all presents which were passed have their staleness decreased by one (with a minimum of zero). This only takes place at the end of rounds and not immediately after the pre-game.

At the end of each round, all presents and staleness values are publicized.

Starting Presents

A - Average Present: Earn 4 points.

B - Bonus Present: Earn 2 points. Earn an additional 2 points for each Average Present you have.

C - Chain Present: Earn 3 points. Earn an additional 2 points for each player adjacent to you with at least one Chain Present.

D - Diameter Present: Earn 2 points. If the player furthest away from you also has a Diameter Present, earn an additional 5 points.

E - Egg Present: Earn 6 points. Whenever you receive this present (including at the start of this game), lose 3 points.

F - Fruit Present: Earn 5 points. Staleness increases by two if this isn’t passed, and decreases by two if this is passed.

G - Golden Present: If you received this from another player in the current round, score points equal to twice the distance it was passed. Otherwise, earn 2 points.

H - Help Present: Earn 2 points. For each other player with at least one Help Present, earn one extra point (up to a maximum of 4 points, for a total of 6).

I - Inversion Present: Earn 3 points. If this present has the highest staleness (or is tied for it) among the presents you have, earn 3 extra points.

J - Jinx Present: Earn 7 points. For each other player with at least one Jinx Present, lose one point.


When passing presents, specify 3 ordered presents to pass (specifying both letter and staleness). The first present will be passed to the first player below you, and so on.

Ex: A3 B2 F2

(You pass A3 to the player below you, B2 to the player two below that, F2 to the player 3 below that.)


Round 1: Theme

Round 2: Bomb Squad

Players must replace one of the three presents are keeping with one of the following 'presents', which will replace your chosen present after passing occurs (and before scoring). If one of these presents is chosen more often than the other, those presents start with 2 staleness.

K - Kaboom Present: The present begins with 6 layers. For each Average Present you have this round, lose a layer. If the present has 0 or less layers, this present explodes, you lose 6 points, and this turns into another Average Present. Otherwise, earn 2 points for each Average Present you have.

L - Limiting Present: Gain 2 points. Exploding Kaboom presents in your possession lose 1 point instead of 6.

Round 3: Cleaning Supplies

M - Musky Present: Gain 2 points. Gain 1 point for each present with over 2 staleness that you have (including this one).

N - Nebulizer Present: Gain 2 points. Every present that is passed to you loses 1 additional staleness.

Round 4: Yoink

Instead of giving presents to the three players below you, you must attempt to steal presents from the three players above you (so, presents still flow in the same direction). Players closer to their target steal first. If you try to steal a present that is already stolen, you steal a random remaining present instead.

Round 5: Monopoly

For each type of present from A-J, if a player has more of that present than any other player, that player gains 5 points. If a player ties for most, that player gains 2 points instead.


Points-based    (The game involves players earning points.)