Liar's Dice

In this Death Match, make claims about the dice both you and your opponent own without getting caught lying. (Original design by the Inca Empire)

Designer(s): Non-original Game Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: The Genius: Variations on a Theme

DM2 / DM7: Liar’s Dice

Ye can't best the devil twice... but what about in a best of 13?

In this Death Match, players will make increasingly stricter and stricter claims about the dice until one of them challenges the other.

Players both begin with 4 dice. In each round, each of the dice are rolled, and players know the results of their own dice (and only their own dice).

When a round begins, both players will take turns. In the first round, the DMO goes first -- otherwise, the loser of the previous round goes first.

On a player’s turn, they must either Claim or Challenge; the player making the first move must Claim.

1) Claim - Make a claim that there are at LEAST x dice with the number y across both players’ dice. If you are making the first move of a round, there are no restrictions on x and y. Otherwise, x must be greater than or equal to the value of x in the previous claim. If x is equal to the previous value of x, then the value of y must be greater than the value of y in the previous claim.


If your opponent claimed there were 3 3’s, claiming there are 3 4’s, 4 2’s, or 100 1’s are all valid, though the last one would get you instantly challenged. Claiming there are 2 5’s or 3 2’s would be invalid.

2) Challenge - Challenge your opponent’s previous claim. The round immediately ends -- if your opponent’s claim was true, they win. If your opponent’s claim was false, you win.

The loser of a round gets a die added to their collection, which is rolled and considered in future rounds.

Players have 60 seconds to make each move. Players also have one minutes of reserve time per round. If a player runs out of reserve time, they lose the round by force.

A player wins the DM when their opponent exceeds 10 dice.


Cheat: Players can cheat during at most two rounds during the Death Match. If a player chooses to cheat, they will learn all their opponents’ dice values. Players gain another option which they may use on their turn.

3) Accuse - You win the round if your opponent cheated and loses the round otherwise.

Double-Face: At the start of each round, three dice faces are chosen to be twice as likely to appear as the other three faces on all dice (that is, they would be rolled with 2/9th probability, and other dice with 1/9th probability). This affects Mulligan rerolls.

Fresh Start: Both players begin with 1 die instead of 4 dice. Players have only 30 seconds to make a move each turn, but also only have 30 seconds of reserve time as well.

Mulligan: At the start of each round, players can select up to five distinct dice of their own to reroll (they cannot reroll more dice than they have). They will have 30 seconds to do this. They will be informed of their updated dice values after this.

Oracle: Players will be privately informed if any of the Claims they personally made is false.

Revelation: When a player Claims, they must reveal the value of one of their dice to their opponent. Once a player has three unrevealed dice remaining, that player does not reveal any more die.

Summation: Players learn the sum of their opponent’s dice values. If Fresh Start is in play, this only activates if your opponent has four or more dice.


Dice    (The game involves rolling dice.)

Luck    (The game involves an element of luck.)

Psych    (The game tests the players' psychological & bluffing abilities.)