Mars Immerser

In this Main Match, travel across Mars to sightsee and earn points.

Designer(s): Phoenix Match Type: MM (for 9 players)
Featured in: Community Hosted Genius Game 3



Immerse yourself in the culture of Mars! Sightsee Mars’ hottest attractions, visit long lost Relatives and stay at five star Inns! Have the time of your life, and well, if you don’t, the Death Match awaits you!


Mars Immerser is played on the following Map of Mars:


To interpret the Mars Immerser Map, you must view The Directory, which tells you how each Location is marked on the map (eg Location O is Peanut Piano). The directory can be found at #mars-immerser-directory

To make it slightly easier on you, the Locations colored Green are all Relative Locations, and the Locations colored Orange are all Inns.

Of note, unlike all other Locations, the creators of The Directory aren’t sure between N1 & X1 which the Real Jack Son Walsh lives at, and which his deformed clone, Jack the Flop, resides.


In Round 1, all players will privately submit a starting Location. In each of the subsequent 5 Rounds, players privately submit Movement to up to four new Locations, as long as the Locations are connected by a Road. At the end of each Round, all players’ current Locations will be revealed.

(eg if Scarlet is starting the Round at Location P, she could move from P to O, O to N, N to K, and K to I in that round. Scarlet would start the next Round at Location I.)

There is one scenario in which a player’s attempt to move will fail. If another player travels across a Road in the same direction in the move immediately before yours, your Movement in that Round will end.

(eg Scarlet’s second move in a Round is moving from O to N, and Dems’ third move in a Round is moving from O to N, Dems’ third move would fail and Dems would end the round at Location O.)

Players cannot move on a Road twice in the same Round. (eg if Scarlet’s first move in a Round is going from P to O, she could not move from P to O or from O to P in a subsequent move in that Round.)

If a player submits an invalid Movement (eg attempting to move from P to R), their Movement will end before the invalid Movement (eg the player would stop moving and end the round at P)

There are also some special types of Roads:

Polar Roads (colored Blue) - Requires two Movements instead of one to traverse a Polar Road.

Super Roads (colored Red) - Earn 2 Sightseeing Points if you’re the only player to have traversed a specific Super Road in a Round.

Super Polar Road (colored Purple) - Requires two Movements instead of one to traverse the Super Polar Road. Earn 2 Sightseeing Points if you’re the only player to have traversed the Super Polar Road in a Round.


In Mars Immerser, there are four methods of scoring, with four different types of Points, as follows:

  • I Saw Lists w/ Sightseeing Points
  • Ma’s Bond w/ Maternal Points
  • Inns w/ Rejuvenation Points
  • Blocking & Swapping w/ Detour Points


There are 18 different I Saw Lists, which can be reviewed in the <#1063621659585695746> channel. Each I Saw List features a list of Locations and an amount of Sightseeing Points. If a player in possession of an I Saw List at the end of Main Match saw all Locations on that I Saw List, they earn the corresponding amount of Sightseeing Points. However, failure to see all Locations on the I Saw List results in losing the corresponding amount of Sightseeing Points. A player can end the Main Match with negative Sightseeing Points.

In Round 1, when choosing your starting Location, you also choose which I Saw Lists you intend to complete. Choose carefully, because once you acquire an I Saw List, there is no way to discard it. The only way to acquire additional I Saw Lists is by visiting Trip, Adieu!, Mars’ premiere travel agency. When visiting Trip, Adieu! in a Round, a player may choose one additional I Saw List to add to their roster. You can only do this once per round at most.

Multiple players can select the same I Saw Lists and players will not know what one another have selected.


12 of the Locations on the map are Relatives of yours who live on Mars, whom you’ll have to visit if you want to increase your Ma’s Bond. When you first visit a Relative, you get 1 Slice of their Influence. If you opt to spend an extra movement at a Relative’s Location, or you end the Round there, you get an additional Slice of their Influence (a player cannot acquire two additional Slices by doing both). If exactly one player is the only player not to visit any Relative in a round, it will be announced that they face A Ma’s Wrath, and lose 1 Garnet.

At the end of the Main Match, Relatives’ value is determined based on how little they were visited by the players.

0 players - 0 Maternal Points 1 - 30 Maternal Points 2 - 24 Maternal Points 3 - 20 Maternal Points 4 - 16 Maternal Points 5+ - 10 Maternal Points

After the number of Maternal points on offer is determined, it will be divided by the number of Slices and divvied accordingly (eg Scarlet, Dems & Zatchel visited Baby Gigi, there were 5 Slices of Influence total, since Scarlet had 2 of those Slices, she would earn 8 Maternal Points).

HOWEVER, three of your Relatives have different values from the others, as follows:

Real Jack Son Walsh - Worth Double the Maternal Points of other Relatives (eg Scarlet, Dems & Zatchel visited Real Jackson Walsh, there were 5 Slices of Influence total, since Scarlet had 2 of those Slices, she would earn 16 Maternal Points).

Jack the Flop - Worth Negative Points (eg Scarlet, Dems & Zatchel visited Jack the Flop, there were 5 Slices of Influence total, since Scarlet had 2 of those Slices, she would lose 8 Maternal Points).

Ex-Aunt Tha - Worth Negative Points

Your Maternal Points can go into the negatives.


At night, the deadly atmosphere of Mars will burn you if you aren’t at one of the air filtered Inns. At the end of each Round, you face a penalty if you do not end the Round at an Inn. The penalty is as follows, depending on what number time this is that you have ended a Round not in an Inn:

1st Time - Lose 2 Rejuvenation Points 2nd Time - Lose 6 Rejuvenation Points 3rd Time - Lose 12 Rejuvenation Points 4th Time - Lose 20 Rejuvenation Points 5th Time - Lose 50 Rejuvenation Points

In addition, most Inns have a special bonus effect if you end the round in that Inn. See the Inn section of #location-special-effects for details.

Your Rejuvenation Points can go into the negatives.


Every time you successfully block another player’s Movement, earn 2 Detour Points. If at the end of the Main Match, exactly one player has had the most successful blockings, they earn 5 additional Detour Points.


At the end of the Main Match, we will first determine if there are exactly two players who have the same total score amongst all Points earned, or if there are multiple unique sets of exactly two players who share the same total score, in either case, the highest scoring pair of exactly two players will secure Tokens of Life and 8 Communal Garnets. Then, of the remaining players, the player with the highest total score will earn a Token of Life and 2 Garnets. Then, of the remaining players, the player with the most Maternal Points will earn a Token of Life and 2 Garnets. Finally, of the remaining players, the player with the highest unique amount of Sightseeing Points will earn a Token of Life and 2 Garnets.

Alternatively, there will not be exactly two players who have the same total score amongst all Points earned. In which case, the player with the highest unique total score earns a Token of Life and 4 Garnets. Then, of the remaining players, the two players with the most Maternal Points earn Tokens of Life and 6 Communal Garnets. Finally, of the remaining players, the two players with the most Sightseeing Points earn Tokens of Life and 6 Communal Garnets.

All five players who earn a Token of Life earn a spot in the Life Match.

All four players who fail to earn a Token of Life will face a one on one Death Match. The Death Match player with the highest total score in the Main Match can choose their one on one opponent, and the other two players will also face off.

The eventual winner of the Life Match will earn 3 Garnets and wield the all powerful Token of Phoenix and must bequeath it upon one of the two Death Match losers, reviving that player back to Life. The Death Match loser who does not receive the Token of Phoenix will be eliminated.

In the event of a tie in the Main Match (when it says “most points” instead of “highest unique” and there are multiple players tied), the tiebreak order is as follows:

Most Sightseeing Points, Most Maternal Points, Most Rejuvenation Points, Most Detour Points, Fewest I Saw Cards, Most Garnets, Most Communal Garnets, Random Chance


Each player has an option of four Powers. You can only use one Power, and you can only use it once during the Main Match. If you wish to use a Power, declare which Power you are using when submitting your Movement for the Round.

The Powers are as follows:

Bear - Do not lose Rejuvenation Points this Round for ending the Round at a Location that is not an Inn. Whatever amount of Rejuvenation Points you would’ve lost this Round, you’ll lose the next time you end the Round not at an Inn.

Energizer - Move to 5 Locations instead of 4 Locations this Round. (5th Move happens after everyone’s fourth)

Max - Double any Slices of Influence earned this Round.

Veil - Hide where you are at the end of this Round.


The main way you can spend Garnets in Mars Immerser is buying new kicks at Sole Limbo. More details can be found in #location-special-effects

However, there is one additional way you can spend your Garnets in this Main Match. When submitting your Movement for a Round, you may also spend 3 Garnets to Jet. A player who Jets in a Round flies above all other players, and therefore you can’t block anyone else’s Movement that Round, but you also can’t be blocked.


In any pair chat, a player can propose to the other player that they spend 1 Communal Garnet to swap Locations instead of moving on a specific Move in the next Movement by saying, “I would like for us to spend 1 Communal Garnet, and swap Locations in Move X of the next Movement,” where X is the Move of their choice, and the other player in the pair chat agrees by stating, “I agree for us to spend 1 Communal Garnet, and swap attractions in Move X of the next Movement.” Both players must then confirm this Swap in private submissions

If both players confirm the Swap, it’ll happen on that movement, and the Swapped players can continue moving in that Round (eg Scarlet and Dems have agreed in their Pair Chat, and confirmed in their private submissions, that they will Swap on Move 2 of this Round. Scarlet’s submitted Moves are - Move from E2 to D2, Swap with Dems, Move from J to I, Move from I to T2 and Dems submitted Moves are - Move from B to J, Swap with Scarlet, Move from D2 to C2, Move from C2 to A2. The Swap and Movements would be successful, and Scarlet and Dems would end the Round at T2 & A2 respectively)

Keep in mind that submitting an invalid Movement will end your Movement in a turn (eg if Dems swapped to D2 in Move 2, and his Move 3 was to move from D2 to A2, his Movement for the Round would stop at D2)

HOWEVER, a player may also agree in their pair chat to a Swap and then declare in their private submission that they do not wish to Swap with the player they agreed to Swap with. If this happens, the player who backed out of the Swap claims the 1 Communal Garnet the pair was about to spend as their own Personal Garnet. Meanwhile, the player who followed through on the Swap has their Movement end whenever they attempted to Swap.

It’s also possible that both players agree in a Pair Chat to Swap and then both declare in their private submissions that they do not wish to Swap. If this happens, the 1 Communal Garnet the pair was about to spend would be lost and neither player will move whatsoever in that Round.

Each player may not Swap Locations via spending a Communal Garnet more than once total over the course of the Main Match.


Extra Info on Discord    (The game has extra information on Discord that has not been documented on this website.)