The Voight-Kampff Test

In this Main Match, ask questions to identify which of the answers belongs to an actual jury member.

Designer(s): Joel Match Type: MM (for 3 players)
Featured in: The Genius: First Encounter

Main Match #16: The Voight-Kampff Test

Congratulations on making it to the Final 3! You've made it to your last Main Match and also your last Garnet Match. Let's take a look back at the competitors you've defeated along the way, shall we?

Oh no! We found the jury members, but we can't tell who they are! There are five identical copies of each jury member: one who is real, and four replicants. We need your help in determining who is real and who are the impostors.

You will find the real jury member by administering the Voight-Kampff Test. In Blade Runner, the Voight Kampff Test was a series of questions asked to a suspected replicant to tell whether they were a human or a replicant.

Similarly, you will determine the humanoids (and robots and kaiju) from the replicants by asking them questions.


Each of you has been will be controlling ten different replicants: one for each jury member. Each member of the jury will have five copies: one that belongs to the actual player (the Humanoid/Robot/Kaiju), one controlled by each of the Final 3, and one controlled by a mod, spectator or eliminated player.


Over the course of the next 72 hours, you will ask as many questions as you want to the replicants. Then, you will submit in the MM16 thread in your confessional your guesses for who the real jury member is for all 10 players.

Public Questions

To ask a Public Question, go into the thread of the potential replicant you want to question and ask them whatever you want. The rest of the Final 3 will be able to see your question and their answer.

You are charged 1 Garnet for every 4 Public Questions that you ask.

Private Questions

To ask a Private Question, post the question that you want to ask and the potential replicant that you want to question in the MM16 thread in your confessional.

You are charged 1 Garnet for every Private Question that you ask.

Answering Questions

If a player asks a replicant you are controlling a public question, then you will submit your answer through a google form. A mod will post your answer in the replicant's thread.

If a player asks a replicant you are controlling a private question, a mod will post the question in your confessional. You will submit your answer through a google form, and a mod will post your answer in the question asker's confessional.

Every five hours, the answers to the public and private questions will be posted. Even if a question was answered after the last deadline, its answer won't be posted until the next deadline.


Your questions must be ten words or less.

The replicant's responses to Public Questions must be fifty words or less.

The replicant's responses to Private Questions must be one hundred words or less.

You must ask a question that each of the Final 3 would reasonably be able to answer ("What was the third word of the first PM I sent you?" wouldn't be allowed)

You are allowed to tell the other players who the replicants you're controlling are (or give them fake information)


You will receive 10 garnets for each Humanoid/Robot/Kaiju that you correctly identify.

The player who ends up with the most garnets will win the Main Match and earn a spot in the Final 2. The other two players will face off in the final Death Match. If there is a tie for the most garnets, the player who got the most players to guess one of their replicants will win.


Anonymous    (The game involves players playing under anonymous identities.)

Garnet Match    (The game is a Garnet Match, where the winners and losers are solely decided by garnet count.)

Limited communication    (The game cuts or restricts communications in some way between players.)

Miscellaneous    (The game tests a miscellaneous set of skills.)