SeatFood ExChain

In this Main Match, swap seats with your fellow players in order to accomplish your objectives as an animal.

Designer(s): Dems Match Type: MM (for 12 players)
Featured in: Community Hosted Genius Game 3

1 Round of Pregame, 4 Rounds of Gameplay.

SeatFood ExChain is a combination of Seat Exchange and Food Chain, both games from the original show.

In this game, players will be randomly given an animal which they represent, and will have different win conditions based on their animal.

During the pre-game round, players may peak at one player’s animal. Each player will also be asked to list down the numbers, 1-12, in order of their preference. At the end of the pre-game round, players will be assigned seats according to their choices, with the highest tier animals getting their choices first. Animals within the same tier also have a set priority within the tier and seats will be given out according to that priority.

Players, when picking their seats, may also pay garnets to have their seat order increased.

A personal garnet bumps priority up by 1. Only 1 personal garnet may be spent per player, but you may choose to spend you garnet on another player.

If a community garnet is spent, only players within the pair will get the priority bump for each community garnet spent. Both parties must be accepting of the decision for it to count.

Seats will be given out in this order:

Most priority bumped by c.garnets > Least priority bumped by c.garnets > Most priority bumped by p.garnets > Least priority bumped by p.garnets > Tier > Priority within tier


Each round, each player chooses one other player to swap seats with. Players can only submit one player. Seats will only be exchanged if both players submit to swap with one another. If a player fails to submit an exchange request with another consenting player, they will remain at their seat.

Furthermore, animals who are able to attack may choose to attack to their left or right. The choice must be made before the round ends and the attack will commence AFTER the seats have been swapped. Only animals of higher tier may kill an animal of lower tier.

Processing follows this order:

1) All seats swaps will occur at the same time 2) Abilities will be processed in order of priority 3) Attacks will be processed in order of priority

You may spend garnets to increase priority for (2) and (3). Personal garnets only benefit yourself, community garnets benefit both. A single garnet may only increases priority for either (2) or (3), otherwise i will assume you are using it for attacks (assuming you dont use abilities, in which case i will assume you are using the garnet for abilities)

if you are using community garnets i need both players to post which community garnet and who is using it


I will use my pair garnet with Zatchel on his attack

If the same animal is attacked by multiple others, the attack is granted only to the attacker of the highest tier, with ties broken by priority, and any other attacks are considered to have been spent, but ineffective (this is mainly significant for Hyena).

An animal that is attacked will be notified of its attack, but not from which side or from whom.

Dead players will remain in the game and can still swap seats with other players. However, they cannot attack, and attacking them does not count as a kill.

The game will end after 4 rounds, and the animals who have completed their win condition will each be granted a ToL. If there is a sole winner, they are granted two ToLs and may give one to another player. The winners will jointly select an Elimination Candidate.


Additional Garnet Objectives:

If exactly five animals are seated in order of priority, regardless of living or dead, all five animals will gain a garnet

If both the lion and mouse are seated side by side at the end of the game and are both alive or both dead, the pair earns a communal garnet.

If both the croc and plover are seated side by side at the end of the game and are both alive or both dead, the pair earns a communal garnet.

The owl and it’s selected animal earn a communal garnet as a pair if they are both alive or both dead and are seated opposite of one another at the end of the game.

The chameleon and it’s selected animal earn a communal garnet as a pair if they are both alive or both dead and are seated opposite of one another at the end of the game.

Each avian pair gains a communal garnet if they successfully match flights throughout the entire game.

The snake gains two garnets once two predators have die with it being the cause.

The hyena’s tracked animal cannot earn any individual garnets, nor can their pairs earn any communal garnets, at the end of the game. (Garnet trades are exempt from this rule)


Animal List:

*(The number next to the tier represents the animal’s priority within its tier)

For eg: The Croc - Tier 2(1)- The Croc is a tier 2 animal with a priority of 1*


The Lion - Tier 1 -

Win Condition: The Lion wins by surviving

To eat, the Lion can attack either its left or right. The Lion may only attack once per turn. If the Lion fails to eat every round, it will starve and die.

King: Once during the game, The Lion may choose to attack animals on both of its sides. If the Lion eats both animals, then it may skip one day of eating.


The Croc - Tier 2(1) -

Win Condition: The Croc wins by surviving.

To eat, the Croc attacks either its left or right. The Croc may only attack once per turn. The second time the Croc fails to eat, it starves and dies.

Ambush: Once per game, the Croc may choose to ambush the next animal that changes seats with it. This lasts only one turn and nothing happens if the Croc fails to change seats. If the Croc changes seats during the turn when it ambushes, it attacks the animal, eating it if possible.


The Eagle -Tier 2(2) -

Win Condition: The Eagle wins by surviving

To eat, the Eagle attacks an animal to its left or right. The Eagle may only attack once per turn. The second time the Eagle fails to eat, it starves and dies.

Avian: The Eagle may choose to fly. During this turn, the Eagle may only attack other flying creatures. However, the Eagle will be immune to attacks and abilities from non-flying animals. The Eagle may not fly during consecutive turns.

Dive Attack: Once during the game, while flying, the Eagle may attack a non-flying animal. (This must be stated before the deadline and will not be used automatically)


The Hyena -Tier 3 -

Win Condition: The Hyena wins by having the Lion die, regardless of if the Hyena survives.

The Hyena starves if it fails to eat twice, but only has two attacks in total. The Hyena can attack any seat and may spend both attacks in the same turn.

Scent: The Hyena locks onto the scent of its enemy. During the pre-game round, the Hyena may name an animal and track its scent. During the game, if the Hyena’s tracked animal is within two seats of it, the Hyena will be notified. The Hyena may change it’s target once during the game.


The Snake - Tier 4(1) -

Win Condition: The Snake wins if at least 8 animals die.

The Snake cannot be killed. Any animal that attacks the Snake will be killed.

Venom: The Snake can attack the animal seated directly opposite of it or to its left or right. The Snake may only attack once per turn. Attacked animals are [Poisoned] and will die if attacked by the snake again. Animals will be notified of if they are poisoned.


The Owl - Tier 4(2) -

Win Condition: Before the game, the Owl selects one animal it believes will win. The Owl wins only if that animal wins, regardless of if the Owl survives.

Avian: The Owl may choose to fly. During this turn, the Owl may only be attacked by other flying creatures. The Owl will be immune to attacks and abilities from non-flying animals. The Owl may not fly during consecutive turns.

Wise: The Owl may inquire into one of it's neighbours' identities, its identity is revealed to the Owl within a group. This may be used only once per round.

[Wise] Groups:

The animal to your left/right seems to be aggressive: [Lion, Croc, Hyena]

The animal to your left/right is also avian: [Eagle, Koel]

The animal to your left/right is a survivor: [Deer, Bunny, Chameleon]

The animal to your left/right has ulterior motives: [Mouse, Plover, Snake]


The Chameleon - Tier 4(3) -

Win Condition: The Chameleon wins by surviving

Camouflage: The Chameleon may disguise itself as another character at the start of the match and will only be revealed as the disguised animal when its identity is revealed.


The Mouse - Tier 4(4) -

Win Condition: The Mouse wins if the Lion wins, regardless of if the Mouse survives.

Meek: The Mouse may peek at two other players’ roles, not one.

Rat: When the Mouse is killed, it may reveal either of its neighbours' identity to the Lion.


The Egyptian Plover - Tier 4(5) -

Win Condition: The Plover wins if the Croc wins, regardless of if the Plover survives.

Meek: The Plover may peek at two other player roles, not one.

Avian: The Plover may choose to fly. During this turn, the Plover will be immune to attacks and abilities from non-flying animals. The Plover may not fly during consecutive turns.

Crocodile Bird: When the Plover is killed, it may reveal one of either of its neighbours’ identity to the Croc.


The Deer - Tier 4(6) -

Win Condition: The Deer wins by surviving

The deer will also always pick their seats first, regardless of priority or garnets spent.

Prey: The Deer is immune to being killed if it is seated in a chain with every living Prey (Koel and Bunny). This may only occur once every two turns.


The Bunny - Tier 4(7) -

Win Condition: The Bunny wins by surviving

The Bunny will always pick their seats last, regardless of priority and garnets spent.

Prey: The Bunny is immune to being killed if it is seated in a chain with every living Prey (Deer and Koel). This may only occur once every two turns.


The Koel - Tier 4(8) -

Win Condition: The Koel wins by surviving

Prey: The Koel is immune to being killed if it is seated in a chain with every living Prey (Deer and Bunny). This may only occur once every two turns.

Avian: The Koel may choose to fly. During this turn, the Koel will be immune to attacks and abilities from non-flying animals. The Koel may not fly during consecutive turns. While flying, the Koel is not considered to be in a Prey chain and the chain breaks


Battling    (The game involves players attacking each other.)

Social deduction    (The game involves players trying to deduce other players' hidden roles.)

Trading    (The game involves players trading items and objects among themselves.)