Corrupt Election Game

In this Main Match, bribe, influence, and discredit the election to you and your preferred candidate's advantage.

Designer(s): Chargestone96 Match Type: MM (for 6 players)
Featured in: Community Hosted Genius Game 3


There are 5 political parties running for government in the country of Commstein, however it is a very corrupt place, there is a secret underbelly controlling the society for their benefit and that is where you will take center stage aiming to nudge your influence towards your own benefit.


Each round you will have a campaign budget of &1000k to spend, this can be spent in 2 ways

  • Boosting a candidate in a particular district
  • Paying the media to discredit a candidate

You also have the option to bribe candidates for power with a seperate budget


Bribing uses a separate static budget of &10000k

At the start of the game you can bid bribery to gain influence over a candidate

Money spent on unsuccessful bribes will be returned at 80% value

Minimum bid is the selling price of the last influence sold on that candidate, if nobody bids that minimum gets halved next time

In the event of a tie tied bids are discarded and the next highest bid wins

Giving &200k from your campaign budget, 8 garnets or 2 community garnets under the table to a candidate and their influence will be put up to auction next round

The player(s) who did this can if they wish undercut the minimum bid by half

You cannot have influence on more then 2 candidates at once, your influence will be lost on your oldest if you gain a 3rd

You can have multiple influence on the same candidate

Who has influence over what candidate will not be public knowledge, if you bid you will be privately informed if it was successful


You can fund a candidate's campaign in a given city, this adds popularity points to that city proportional to that investment, this can become a negative number if lowered below 0


To discredit a candidate you pay &200k and any boosts that candidate gets instead become reduction, if a candidate gets discredited 2 rounds in a row their gains become cult following instead and all gains are increased by 20% in that second round, this does not happen again they are sabotaged a 3rd time in a row


Each city has a % of the political influence, the candidates influence in each city will determine how that is divided between them

(Candidates popularity in the city)/(total popularity in the city) * (city's influence value) = candidates influence gained from that city

If no candidate has positive influence in a city then all candidates at the highest number will divide influence evenly

The candidates overall influence is divided based on the bribery influence owned by the players


Each cycle of campaigning will involve some political upheaval outside of your predictions, this is announced at the start of the round

These events range from helping struggling candidates to hindering top candidates and adding new gameplay options


The winner(s) will be the player with the most influence from the candidates they have bribed after the week of elections has been completed (7 rounds) and will receive 2 ToLs

If everyone has influence then EC is the player with the lowest influence, if anybody failed to bribe successfully all game then they are the EC

If any player has no influence by the end of the game, they lose the MM regardless of scores

Clarification: everything must be in &1k increments


New Rule: Public outcry about corruption has been rampant, you may now spend &100k from your campaign fund to report to the police an under the table payment, you must identify both parties involved. If you are correct you will block the auction from being triggered and steal 2 garnets from the offending player(s) if they have any. A player can't be blocked by police reports 2 rounds in a row

New Rule: from now on any candidates with no influence will be up for auction by default

New Rule: if any player has no influence by the end of the game they lose the mm regardless of scores

New Rule: You may now spend &1000k from your campaign funds to reset a candidates support to 0, this takes place after new support is applied, it will fail if you do not have majority influence over the candidate


Bidding    (The game involves auction-style bidding.)

Economy    (The game involves an economy that players must manage.)