Potion Potluck

In this Death Match, brew potions with recipes you must obtain from other players.

Designer(s): zatchel Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: Community Hosted Genius Game 3

Players will be competing to combine ingredients into various potions in order to generate the most points. The player who earns the most points in 2 out of 3 games will win the death match.

This game uses 8 types of ingredients. Each is named after a color and has a set quantity used in each game. These 30 ingredients will be shuffled to form the round’s deck. We take the top 4 ingredients and place them into the potluck. We also reveal the next 2 ingredients that are upcoming. Once an ingredient from the potluck is used, the next upcoming ingredient replaces it and a new upcoming ingredient is drawn. The starting quantities for each are as follows:

  • 5 Yellow
  • 4 Red
  • 4 Blue
  • 4 Green
  • 4 Brown
  • 3 Purple
  • 3 Orange
  • 3 Black


Gameplay will occur as follows. Players will start with an image such as below:

To clarify, Upcoming 1 is the color that will be added to the potluck when an ingredient is removed from the potluck. Upcoming 2 then becomes Upcoming 1, and the next color in the Deck becomes Upcoming 2.

The DMO will choose who goes first in game 1. The loser of the first games chooses for game 2, then the loser of game 2 chooses for game 3, if there is a game 3.

On their turn, each player has 45 seconds to choose 1 of 4 options as an action for that turn:

Take: The player will publicly declare a color they wish to take from the potluck, and add it to their inventory. Their inventory will be updated in their private submission channel. Players will not see each other’s inventories, but are allowed to try and keep track.

Mix: The player will publicly declare they wish to mix a potion together. 60 seconds will be added to their total turn time. In their private submission channel, they will then declare which ingredients they wish to mix together into a potion. Once they have chosen, their inventory will be updated, then the dealer will publicly declare which potion they have created and how many points they have earned.

Draw: The player draws the top card from the Deck and adds it to their inventory. Their inventory will be updated in their private submission channel.

Generate: The Generate action may only be used once per game (meaning up to 3 times in the entire Death Match). The player will publicly declare they wish to generate an ingredient. The ingredient is added to their inventory. In addition, an ingredient from the Potluck will be randomly discarded.

For the Take and Generate actions, the player must declare which color ingredient they are taking/generating. (ex. “Take Green” or “Generate Blue”). If a player says “Take” with 1 second remaining, then says “Green” when time has run out, it will not count as a valid submission, and their turn will be skipped.

For the Mix Action, the player must state in their private submission channel which 3 ingredients they are using. Stating “Recipe A” would be an invalid submission.

If a player does not make a move in the allotted time, their turn is skipped. If a player skips 3 turns in a game, they auto-lose the game.

Each player’s inventory has a limit of 7. If a players turn starts and they have 7 ingredients in their inventory, they must use the Mix action.

**Recipes: **

To earn points, players must follow recipes to create potions. All recipes have exactly 3 ingredients. The two players in the DM start with knowledge of only 1 recipe:

Recipe X: Any 3 ingredients that do not combine into an established recipe = 1 point

There are 11 other recipes not initially known to the 2 players in the Death Match.

Each player not in the Death Match will be notified of a recipe in their private submission channel. They can do whatever they want with this recipe, such as revealing it to one, both, or neither player.

The first time one of these Recipes is Mixed during the Death Match, the Dealer will publicity state what ingredients were used to create that Recipe.

**Results: **

Potion Potluck will be played over several games, best two-out-of-three style. Each game will have its own unique ingredient order. A game will immediately end when the potluck has less than 4 ingredients in it. The player with the most points at the end of the game will win that game. If both players’ scores are tied at the end of a game, the player who ended the game by reducing the potluck to less than 4 ingredients will win. The first player to win two games will win the Death Match.

Final Match 2 - Potion Potluck

Players will be competing to combine ingredients into various potions in order to generate the most points.

The player who earns the most points in 2 out of 3 games will win the death match.

This game uses 7 types of ingredients.

Each is named after a color and has a set quantity used in each game.

These 35 ingredients will be shuffled to form the round’s deck.

We take the top 4 ingredients and place them into the potluck.

We also reveal the next 2 ingredients that are upcoming.

Once an ingredient from the potluck is used, the next upcoming ingredient replaces it and a new upcoming ingredient is drawn.

The starting quantities for each are as follows:

5 Red 5 Orange 5 Yellow 5 Green 5 Blue 5 Indigo 5 Violet


Gameplay will occur as follows.

To clarify, Upcoming 1 is the colour that will be added to the potluck when an ingredient is removed from the potluck.

Upcoming 2 then becomes Upcoming 1, and the next colour in the Deck becomes Upcoming 2.

The loser of FM1 will choose who goes first in game 1.

The loser of the first game chooses for game 2, then the loser of game 2 chooses for game 3, if there is a game 3.

On their turn, each player has 45 seconds to choose 1 of 4 options as an action for that turn:

Take: The player will publicly declare a colour they wish to take from the potluck, and add it to their inventory.

Their inventory will be updated in their private submission channel. Players will not see each other’s inventories, but are allowed to try and keep track.

Mix: The player will publicly declare they wish to mix a potion together.

60 seconds will be added to their total turn time. In their private submission channel, they will then declare which ingredients they wish to mix together into a potion.

Once they have chosen, their inventory will be updated, then the dealer will publicly declare which potion they have created and how many points they have earned.

Draw: The player draws the top card from the Deck and adds it to their inventory.

Their inventory will be updated in their private submission channel.

Generate:The Generate action may only be used once per game (meaning up to 3 times in the entire Final Match).

The player will publicly declare they wish to generate an ingredient.

The ingredient is added to their inventory.

For the Take and Generate actions, the player must declare which colour ingredient they are taking/generating. (ex. “Take Green” or “Generate Blue”).

If a player says “Take” with 1 second remaining, then says “Green” when time has run out, it will not count as a valid submission, and their turn will be skipped.

For the Mix Action, the player may state in their private submission channel which 3 ingredients they are using. Stating “Recipe A” would also be an valid submission.

If you wish to mix a Disaster Potion, please specfiy the ingredients.

If a player does not make a move in the allotted time, their turn is skipped. If a player skips 3 turns in a game, they auto-lose the game.

Each player’s inventory has a limit of 7. If a players turn starts and they have 7 ingredients in their inventory, they must use the Mix action.

**Recipes: **

To earn points, players must follow recipes to create potions.

All recipes have exactly 3 ingredients. At the start of the Final Match 4 Recipes will be revealed. Each Recipe is worth 5 points.

Whenever any of these 4 recipes are made, each player choose one of the 3 recipe colours and what they would like to change it to.

The result must be a recipe made of 3 different colours.

If there is a conflict, either by both players trying to change the same colour or the result including repeated colours, then all conflicted ingredients that were attempted to be modified will become another ingredient at random such that there are 3 different colours.

The recipe then becomes worth 1 less, but not less than 2. The recipe is now permanently modified.

There are 2 other possible potions:

Disaster Potion: Any 3 ingredients that do not combine into an established recipe = 1 point

Rainbow Potion: You may mix a potion with 7 ingredients, one for each colour of the rainbow, to earn larger points.

You will earn 7 points the first time you do this, then 6, then 5, then 4 etc. This carried between games in the Final Match.

Recipes modified ingredients and points persist between games.


Potion Potluck will be played over several games, best two-out-of-three style. Each game will have its own unique ingredient order.

A game will immediately end when the potluck has less than 4 ingredients in it.

The player with the most points at the end of the game will win that game.

If both players’ scores are tied at the end of a game, the player who ended the game by reducing the potluck to less than 4 ingredients will win.

The first player to win two games will win the Final Match.

In this board, Gemini has nothing in their inventory.

Potato Inventory is in Rainbow Order. Both players currently earn 7 points for making a Rainbow Potion.

The 4 recipes at the bottom are worth 5 points,

Orange is the next ingredient to enter the potluck.

Final Match Items

Scramble: Use at the start of your turn. Choose a recipe, randomise it’s ingredients to 3 of the 4 not listed. Doesn’t use up your turn.

Regenerate: Gain an extra use of Generate to use in any game at any time. [Limit 3]

Attuned: Consumes turn action. Choose a recipe, gain one of its ingredients of your choice, that recipe hen becomes worth 1 more. [Limit 1]


Cards    (The game involves cards of any kind.)

Crafting    (The game involves combining or using resources in recipes to craft new objects.)

Miscellaneous    (The game tests a miscellaneous set of skills.)

Points-based    (The game involves players earning points.)

Social DM    (The game is a Death Match that involves players not in the Death Match themselves.)

Strategy    (The game tests the players' strategic & tactical abilities.)

Turn-based    (The game involves players taking turns one after another.)