Life's Highs and Lows

In this Main Match, experience life's highs and lows — murdering, crying, and raising the dead — to earn as many (or as little) points as possible.

Designer(s): zatchel Match Type: MM (for 13 players)
Featured in: Community Hosted Genius Game 3

Life. A beautiful thing. A complex thing. Full of love and joy, yet hate and despair. We here at Community Hosted Genius Game 3 seek to highlight the highest highs and lowest lows of this complex thing we call life, by gamifying some of the key aspects of the every day. Such as…




Main Match 1: Life’s Highs and Lows

In Life’s Highs and Lows, players will seek to earn the most positive or negative points based on a set of 3 actions. The players with the highest and lowest scores will be declared the winners, earning immunity, and the player with the score closest to 0 will be the Elimination Candidate.


Each round, players will submit 3 Standard Actions: Stab, Heal, and Mourn. They cannot choose to target the same person with multiple actions in a single round. They may not choose the same person for the same action 2 rounds in a row. They can choose themselves for any one action. A player must submit all 3 actions.

A player who is Stabbed is considered Dead. A player who is Dead can be revived by being Healed. They are considered Dead as soon as the Stab action is processed, and Alive as soon as the Heal action is processed.

Each round will have a different priority in which actions are processed. The priorities are as follows:

Round 1: Stab > Heal > Mourn

Round 2: Heal > Mourn > Stab

Round 3: Stab > Mourn > Heal

Round 4: Mourn > Stab > Heal

Round 5: Heal > Stab > Mourn

Round 6: Mourn > Heal > Stab

If a player Dies during a round, their remaining actions for that round are still processed. (i.e. A player who is Stabbed Round 1 is still able to Stab, Heal, and Mourn that round).

Standard Actions and Points:


Players will earn +3 points for stabbing an Alive player who is Dead at the end of that round.

Players will earn -2 points if they stab an Alive player who is Alive at the end of that round.

Players will earn -4 points for stabbing a player who is already Dead.


Players will earn +4 points for Mourning a Dead player who Died earlier that same round.

Players will earn 2 points for Mourning a player who has been Dead for 1 round, 3 points if Dead for 2 rounds, 4 Points for 3 rounds, etc.

Players will earn -3 points for Mourning an Alive player.


Players will earn +5 points for Healing a player who died in earlier in that same round.

Players will earn +2 points for Healing a player who died the previous round, 0 points for 2 rounds ago, -2 points for 3 rounds ago, etc.

Players will earn -3 points for Healing a player who is not dead.

Players earn the cumulative total of the amount of positive and negative points they earn in a round. (i.e. A player who earns -2 points, +4 points, and -3 points in a round ends that round having earned -1).

A players Alive/Dead status at the time the Standard Action is processed determines the points a player who used that Action receives.

Dead Players Actions and Points:

A player who starts the round Dead cannot use Standard Actions. They can Haunt for that round. Haunting is always prioritized before Standard Actions. You may only Haunt living players.

Haunt: Players will earn exactly half the total amount of points the player they choose to Haunt earns. They are not stealing the points from the player they Haunt, meaning that player still earns their full points for the round. (i.e. if a player earns -5 points, the player who Haunts them earns -2.5).

Also players earn points per round they remain Dead. They will earn -2 points if they remain dead for 1 round, then -3 if they remain dead for 2 rounds, etc. If a player is Healed then Stabbed in a single round, this chain is resets.

Special Actions:

Players will also have Special Actions that they can use in conjunction with any submission. A player still submits the 3 Standard Actions, plus submits a Special Action to be used that round as well. Special Actions are always processed before Standard Actions. A player can only use 1 Special Action during the Main Match.

Dodge: Players can choose to Dodge in addition to their 3 normal actions. A player cannot be stabbed in a round they are Dodging. Players earn +1 points for each stab they Dodge in a round. Players earn -3 points if they Dodge but no one attempts to Stab them that round. Players earn -2 points if they attempt to Stab someone who Dodges (note: This counts as a missed Stab, so none of the standard points for stabbing a player are processed).

Predict: Players can choose to Predict what a fellow player will do. A player will choose another player and one of the three Standard Actions. They will then Predict who that player is targeting with that Standard Action. If they are correct as to the target, they will steal the points that player would have received for that action that round. An incorrect Prediction results in -1 points.

Rise: A player who starts a round Dead can Rise from the Dead at the beginning of a round, starting the round Alive. They can submit 3 Standard Actions to perform this round as well.

Special Actions:

Players will also have Special Actions that they can use in conjunction with any submission. A player still submits the 3 Standard Actions, plus submits a Special Action to be used that round as well. Special Actions are always processed before Standard Actions. A player can only use 1 Special Action during the Main Match.

Dodge: Players can choose to Dodge in addition to their 3 normal actions. A player cannot be stabbed in a round they are Dodging. Players earn +1 points for each stab they Dodge in a round. Players earn -3 points if they Dodge but no one attempts to Stab them that round. Players earn -2 points if they attempt to Stab someone who Dodges (note: This counts as a missed Stab, so none of the standard points for stabbing a player are processed).

Predict: Players can choose to Predict what a fellow player will do. A player will choose another player and one of the three Standard Actions. They will then Predict who that player is targeting with that Standard Action. If they are correct as to the target, they will steal the points that player would have received for that action that round. An incorrect Prediction results in -1 points.

Rise: A player who starts a round Dead can Rise from the Dead at the beginning of a round, starting the round Alive. They can submit 3 Standard Actions to perform this round as well.

Garnet Spending:

Players may spend 2 Garnets to use an additional Special Action. A player may choose a Special Action they have already used. This does not allow a player to use multiple Special Actions in a single round.


At the end of every round, the Dealer will publically reveal who each player targeted for their Standard Actions. They will also reveal who, if anyone, used a Special Action (as well as any details that go along with that Special Action). Players personal scores will be updated in their private submission channels at the end of every round. After 6 rounds, the Main Match will end.

There will be up to 6 ToL’s awarded at the end of the MM.

The player with the Highest Positive Score at the end of the MM will be declared the winner. They will receive 2 Garnets, a Token of Life for themselves, and 2 TOL’s to award to 2 players who are not the EC. If 2 or 3 players are tied for Highest Positive Score, they will each receive a Token of Life for themselves, and no additional TOL’s will be awarded. If more than 3 players are tied, none of them will receive a TOL.

The above will then be done for the player with the Highest Negative Score.

When a person awards a TOL to another player, that pair gains a community garnet. If there are 2 sole winners, that pair will also earn a community garnet.

Note: If all scores are one side of 0 (all positive or all negative), then only that’s sides ToL’s will be awarded)

The non-winning player with the score closest to 0 at the end of the MM will be the Elimination Candidate. If there are multiple people tied for closest to 0, the winner(s) will vote to determine the EC from the tied players. If there are no winners, the EC will be decided by who has the fewest Garnets. If there is still a tie, the EC will be randomly chosen.


Battling    (The game involves players attacking each other.)

Points-based    (The game involves players earning points.)