The Goddess' Blessings

In this episode, attend Godhood Academy, maintain social bonds, increase your stats, and venture through the land of Grunkle Squeaky to attain godhood and reclaim the world.

Designer(s): MarcerMercer Match Type: MM (for 5 players)
Featured in: DOW: The Genius

In this episode, players will aim to obtain the blessing of a goddess to fulfill their [God Trigger].

For the purpose of training the young god candidates in their quest to become gods, they have all been enrolled in Godhood Academy, where they will spend the next multiple months. It's time to get ready for the endgame.


This game will have a 24-hour pre-game.

During pre-game, each god candidate will be able to select their personal Persona from a list of 5. God candidates will submit a priority list of all 5 Personas, from most want to least want; god candidates with more garnets will have a higher priority.

During the pre-game, players are also encouraged to ask all sorts of questions, as this is an incredibly complex game.


Each 24-hour round corresponds to a week. You will be submitting actions for Monday through Sunday, with 2 actions being possible every day — day and night actions.

Day actions are incredibly versatile. A day action will often see the player going to a certain location to do a certain action.

The list of initial locations and actions are available in #the-land-of-grunkle-squeaky.

If multiple people are at the same location on the same day, they will each earn 1 garnet. If multiple people do the same action at the same location and day, however, they will divide the effects. However, if multiple people try to advance the same social link on the same day, neither will be able to advance the social link.

Night actions, on the other hand, are incredibly limited. There are a total of 4 possible actions at night:

Study — Gain +1 Knowledge.

Read Books / Watch Movies — Engage in content you have. Stat boosts vary.

Exercise — Gain 5 EXP.

Collaborate — You may collaborate with another player. Both of you will earn +1 in a stat depending on the day. Both players must collaborate with each other for this to work. [Mon = Knowledge, Tue = Charm, Wed = Guts, Thu = Understanding, Fri = Proficiency, Sat/Sun = Knowledge]


Each god candidate will have 9 stats to manage: 5 social stats and 4 combat stats.

The 5 social stats are Knowledge, Charm, Guts, Understanding, and Proficiency. Each social stat can be upgraded to level 5. Higher social stats will give you more actions and options and may unlock new content. They will also let you do well in events.

The 4 combat stats are HP, Attack, Defense, and Speed. These are stats tied to your Persona that are used during fights. Your HP is your health points. Your attack is how much damage you do with an attack. Your defense is how much damage you can prevent. Your speed determines turn order.

Your Persona also has a level — earn EXP to increase your level and upgrade your stats.


The main mechanic of the game are Social Links. There are 21 social links throughout the Land of Grunkle Squeaky. 2 of these are the Goddesses that are your win-con — Yukari Takeba and Green Discord Logo. Maxing out either of these Social Links will win you the game.

Each social link has a different unlock condition. Once it is unlocked, you will gain level 1 in that Social Link and will be told when and how you can level up that social link in the future.

A social link goes up to level 5. When a social link hits level 1, 3, and 5, you will unlock abilities that will be helpful in their journey to becoming a god.

To level up a social link, you must choose to initiate it. Then, after submissions are processed, you will be given a plot overview, where you must choose the correct dialogue options to earn social points. If you earn enough social points, you will level up the social link. If you fail, you will need to hang out with that social link again to level it up. Performing so horribly on dialogue options may result in a social link being broken — a broken social link can never be progressed again by that god candidate.

And yes, I am also a potential Social Link. Have fun.


At the start of certain weeks (rounds), I will make an announcement that there are events. These special events may give certain boosts, cause unique effects, or end up otherwise disrupting your normal submission. Keep a look out for them.

As an example, a common event throughout your stay at Godhood Academy will be Grunkle Strikes. The god Grunkle Squeaky will organize attacks to try to kill all potential god candidates. On days where Grunkle Strikes happen, players will need not submit anything. Instead, they will engage in battle with Grunkle's minions and must come out alive.


Your Persona may be used to engage in combat. Combat will always be processed at round end and is not synchronous. Units in combat will attack according to their speed values; tied speed values are broken randomly. Damage is dealt to a unit using (attacker's attack - defender's defense), with minimum 1 damage always.

If your Persona ever reaches an HP of 0, you will not be immediately eliminated from the game; I am there to save you. However, you will be out of commission for the next submission round entirely, recovering from your injuries. In addition, if you die during the middle of the week, none of the actions that were supposed to take place after your death take place.


There is a currency in the land of Grunkle Squeaky: garnets. Each of you will start with your garnet counts. You may additionally liberally earn garnets through a variety of ways, including combat and jobs.

These garnets may be used to buy things at shops and may have a variety of other uses. Make sure not to go broke.


You may freely communicate with others throughout this episode and may even share private information that you may have discovered. For example, if you have unlocked a new location, you may tell your fellow god candidates about this location and what you can do at it, and your fellow god candidates (despite not discovering it) may attempt to go to that location and do things there.

Garnet transfers are also allowed and there are a variety of events and actions that will involve social.

You may also attack other players. You can do this by declaring to battle a certain player instead of your normal day action. If you do so, the two players' Personas will each attack each other once, assuming no other abilities or effects.

A player can only be attacked by other players a maximum of 3 times a week. Any further attacks will fail and be wasted.


The Goddess' Blessings is far from a normal game found in The Genius. There are numerous hidden secrets and unlockables everywhere that may or may not help you on your quest to becoming a god. Please remember to be adventurous and curious; never hesitate to ask any questions or try the impossible.

I hope everyone has fun!


There are 2 players that are not god candidates, but are still alive — these are @Reds and @Pumbledore. These 2 players may influence the game if they want to, but are by no means obligated to be active.

Each round, these two players may choose to visit a certain location to bless them. Blessed locations will just be better; for example, each stat gain will be +1, you'll earn more money, and things will be at a discount.


Who wins which Persona during the pre-game will be public. Events will be public. What locations have been blessed by the non-god-candidate players are public.

Almost everything else will be private, unless stated to be otherwise.


Each god candidate will submit day and night actions for Monday through Sunday, and any other submission that events may dictate as necessary.

Any submissions that require live player input (for example, social link prompts or buying items), will be done after processing. I will sneak into your submissions channel, ping you, and attempt to do it during the 24h before the next round ends.

@Reds, @Pumbledore, @Jiffa, @Pseud can just submit a location. That's it.


The winner of this episode will be whoever achieves a [God Trigger] first or otherwise triggers a game end condition. The winner will ascend to godhood and become a god, making their way to the finale.

The losers of this episode will fail at ascending to godhood and making it to the finale, but will not die.

In Episode 10 Royal, you will be playing The Goddess' Blessings Royal, an upgraded and time-limited version of the (surprisingly) popular match, The Goddess' Blessings (seriously, how did everyone want to replay this game again? Oh well, your wish is my command).

The five @God Candidates — @Andy, @Gemini, @jatloe, @Usernam3, @Wimpzilla — will resume their game of the Goddess' Blessings that was abandoned, with everything carrying over. They will once again aim to obtain a [God Trigger] and ascend into godhood. The details of the game are pretty much identical; a newer copy of the rules have been posted in #academy-rules-royal for your viewing pleasure.

The six non @God Candidates (henceforth referred to simply as "@Students") — @Dems, @Jiffa, @Joker, @Pseud, @Reds, @Zac — will play a different (but similar) game while the other five @God Candidates continue their Persona madness. I will use this space to detail what the @Students will be doing.


There will be a 24-hour pre-game for the @God Candidates to re-familiarize themselves with the rules to the Goddess' Blessings. During this pre-game period, the @Students will each bet on which God Candidate they think will win and ascend to godhood first, or bet on the fact that no one will be able to ascend in time at all.


Each Student will start with 100 chips that they can bet on up to 3 unique options among these:

  1. Andy
  2. Gemini
  3. jatloe
  4. Usernam3
  5. Wimpzilla
  6. No One Ascends

You will get a return of 10x on your bet if you bet on the person that wins.

You will get a return of 3x on your bet if you bet on a person that didn't win, but were "close". I define what "close" means and it will not be revealed here; but there will be an objective definition for you to figure out.

You will get a return of 1x on your bet if you bet on anyone else, except the God Candidate in last place.

You will lose your bet on the God Candidate I deem to be in last place.

However, if you bet on No One Ascends and no one indeed ascends, the option will return 30x on your bet. Otherwise, you lose all money you bet on No One Ascends.


However, Students will be more than simply sitting ducks watching the God Candidates duke it out with popcorn in their hands. They will be able to heavily influence the God Candidates and accelerate the game to speeds previously unknown.

While the God Candidates meticulously plan their weeks, Students may perform 2 supporting actions each submission period from the following:

SPONSOR — Sponsor a specific player. If a player is sponsored an odd number of times, that player will receive a (2 x # of unique Students that sponsored this player)x bonus to everything they do for that week. Otherwise, they receive no bonus.

BLESS — Bless a specific location. Any players doing actions at that location will receive a 2x bonus to everything they do at that location this week. This effect stacks. A single Student can only do this once per submission period.

ASK — Ask a yes or no question to Principal Marcer. Principal Marcer will answer truthfully. This option can only be used twice total.

CHAOS — Call for chaos. If a majority of Students call for chaos, chaos will ensue.

JUST DO THINGS THE GOD CANDIDATES CAN — Were you jealous of the Persona game? Want to check out some social links for yourself? Maybe do some shopping, or maybe you just want to do some karaoke? Or perhaps you simply want to explore the Land of Grunkle Squeaky? Well, don't worry. You may use your 2 actions to just do things the God Candidates can. You simply won't be able to win this way, and I also may get lazy and process your live submissions super slowly because they literally don't matter. You also don't have a Persona and cannot therefore engage in combat or choose an action that would force you into combat. For the purposes of smooth gameplay, Students are treated as having Level 5 in each social stat. That means no barriers!


Students will also be able to use their garnets. They may purchase items, although they will be unable to use them. Students may trade items to God Candidates at any time using their pair chat (both receiver and sender must confirm).


The amount of sponsors each God Candidate received will be public, but not who exactly sponsored them.

The amount of blesses each location received will be public, but not who exactly blessed them.

The amount of people calling for chaos will be public, but not who exactly called for chaos.

Everything else will remain private, including ask results and the original bids.


The Student winner of MM10R will be the Student who, at the conclusion of the Goddess' Blessings, has the most unique number of chips. If no one has a unique number of chips, all Students lose.

The Student winner of MM10R will also move on to participate in the finale alongside the God Candidate that obtained a [God Trigger]. If no God Candidate was able to ascend, the Student winner of MM10R will be the sole winner of the entire episode and move on, alone, to the finale.

Below are the rules to the Goddess' Blessings, with some minor changes, so that players may refresh their memory.

In this episode, players will aim to obtain the blessing of a goddess to fulfill their [God Trigger].

To finish the training of the young god candidates in their quest to become gods, they must finish their last term at Godhood Academy. This is the endgame.


Each 24-hour round corresponds to a week. You will be submitting actions for Monday through Sunday, with 2 actions being possible every day — day and night actions.

Day actions are incredibly versatile. A day action will often see the player going to a certain location to do a certain action.

The list of initial locations and actions are available in #the-land-of-grunkle-squeaky.

If multiple people are at the same location on the same day, they will each earn 1 garnet. If multiple people do the same action at the same location and day, however, they will divide the effects. However, if multiple people try to advance the same social link on the same day, neither will be able to advance the social link.

Night actions, on the other hand, are incredibly limited. There are a total of 4 possible actions at night:

Study — Gain +1 Knowledge.

Read Books / Watch Movies — Engage in content you have. Stat boosts vary.

Exercise — Gain 5 EXP.

Collaborate — You may collaborate with another player. Both of you will earn +1 in a stat depending on the day. Both players must collaborate with each other for this to work. [Mon = Knowledge, Tue = Charm, Wed = Guts, Thu = Understanding, Fri = Proficiency, Sat/Sun = Knowledge]

You may be able to unlock more night actions. Explore!


Each god candidate will have 9 stats to manage: 5 social stats and 4 combat stats.

The 5 social stats are Knowledge, Charm, Guts, Understanding, and Proficiency. Each social stat can be upgraded to level 5. Higher social stats will give you more actions and options and may unlock new content. They will also let you do well in events.

The 4 combat stats are HP, Attack, Defense, and Speed. These are stats tied to your Persona that are used during fights. Your HP is your health points. Your attack is how much damage you do with an attack. Your defense is how much damage you can prevent. Your speed determines turn order.

Your Persona also has a level — earn EXP to increase your level and upgrade your stats.


The main mechanic of the game are Social Links. There are 21 social links throughout the Land of Grunkle Squeaky. 2 of these are the Goddesses that are your win-con — Yukari Takeba and Green Discord Logo. Maxing out either of these Social Links will win you the game.

Each social link has a different unlock condition. Once it is unlocked, you will gain level 1 in that Social Link and will be told when and how you can level up that social link in the future.

A social link goes up to level 5. When a social link hits level 1, 3, and 5, you will unlock abilities that will be helpful in their journey to becoming a god.

To level up a social link, you must choose to initiate it. Then, after submissions are processed, you will be given a plot overview, where you must choose the correct dialogue options to earn social points. If you earn enough social points, you will level up the social link. If you fail, you will need to hang out with that social link again to level it up. Performing so horribly on dialogue options may result in a social link being broken — a broken social link can never be progressed again by that god candidate.

And yes, I am also a potential Social Link. Have fun. Some other fun characters may be Social Links as well. Watch out for them!


At the start of certain weeks (rounds), I will make an announcement that there are events. These special events may give certain boosts, cause unique effects, or end up otherwise disrupting your normal submission. Keep a look out for them.

As an example, the final term will heavily feature Grunkle Strikes. The god Grunkle Squeaky will organize attacks to try to kill all potential god candidates. On days where Grunkle Strikes happen, players will need not submit anything. Instead, they will engage in battle with Grunkle's minions and must come out alive.


Your Persona may be used to engage in combat. Combat will always be processed at round end and is not synchronous. Units in combat will attack according to their speed values; tied speed values are broken randomly. Damage is dealt to a unit using (attacker's attack - defender's defense), with minimum 1 damage always.

If your Persona ever reaches an HP of 0, you will not be immediately eliminated from the game; I am there to save you. However, you will be out of commission for the next submission round entirely, recovering from your injuries. In addition, if you die during the middle of the week, none of the actions that were supposed to take place after your death take place.


There is a currency in the land of Grunkle Squeaky: garnets. You may liberally earn garnets through a variety of ways, including combat and jobs.

These garnets may be used to buy things at shops and may have a variety of other uses. Make sure not to go broke.


You may freely communicate with others throughout this episode and may even share private information that you may have discovered. For example, if you have unlocked a new location, you may tell your fellow god candidates about this location and what you can do at it, and your fellow god candidates (despite not discovering it) may attempt to go to that location and do things there.

Garnet transfers are also allowed and there are a variety of events and actions that will involve social.

You may also attack other players. You can do this by declaring to battle a certain player instead of your normal day action. If you do so, the two players' Personas will each attack each other once, assuming no other abilities or effects.

A player can only be attacked by other players a maximum of 3 times a week. Any further attacks will fail and be wasted.


The Goddess' Blessings Royal is far from a normal game found in The Genius. There are numerous hidden secrets and unlockables everywhere that may or may not help you on your quest to becoming a god. Please remember to be adventurous and curious; never hesitate to ask any questions or try the impossible.

I hope everyone has fun!


Who wins which Persona during the pre-game will be public. Events will be public. What locations have been blessed by the non-god-candidate players are public.

Almost everything else will be private, unless stated to be otherwise.


Each god candidate will submit day and night actions for Monday through Sunday, and any other submission that events may dictate as necessary.

Any submissions that require live player input (for example, social link prompts or buying items), will be done after processing. I will sneak into your submissions channel, ping you, and attempt to do it during the 24h before the next round ends.


The winner of this episode will be whoever achieves a [God Trigger] first or otherwise triggers a game end condition. The winner will ascend to godhood and become a god, making their way to the finale.

The losers of this episode will fail at ascending to godhood and making it to the finale, but will not die.

If no one ascends to godhood within 6 submission periods, Grunkle Squeaky the God will annihiliate Godhood Academy. All the God Candidates will perish.


Extra Info on Discord    (The game has extra information on Discord that has not been documented on this website.)

Guest    (The game involves guests that can influence the outcome of the match.)

Host Info    (The game involves additional information that only the hosts know and prepare in advance.)

Semi-live MM    (The game is a Main Match that is overall non-live but may have real-time elements (such as queries that the hosts respond to immediately).)