Politician, No Pass!

Summary: In this Main Match, win the election by gaining votes in cities, while navigating around railways that can be blocked at any moment.

Designer(s): ItzShaun, RedsToad

Featured in: The Genius: PnP

Match Type: MM (for 4 players)



The elections are near and campaigns are afoot!

Travel between towns and cities, spending as much time as possible getting votes in towns, but be careful, as your fate lies in the hands of railway managers, who can block every move of yours.


Each player had brought in a guest to assist them in the game.

Dems invited Whims; Grunkle invited Usernam3; Pengu invited Tim; Tog invited Guru

Guests are free to talk with any player or other guest. (rest of chats are coming up in a moment)

Players will be playing the role of Politicians, who campaign in cities and travel on railroads.

Guests will be playing the role of Managers, who look over the railroads and close them for "maintenance".

- - Rules - -

- - - Common Rules - - -

The game will be played on the following map.

Different icons represent different locations. Small huts are towns, buildings are cities and the grand building is the capital.

The locations will be colored a player's color when they control it.

Locations will also be given letter labels in the top-left for easy reference.

The table on the right will list all of the locations and their populations.

For the pregame only, towns F, G, J and L are colored gray to show that they are starting towns.

Lines between locations represent railroads.

Numbers along the road indicate the time needed to cross the road.

Roads themselves aren't labeled, but can be easily referred to using the label of 2 cities they connect. For example, cities A and B are connected by the road AB.

Players' positions will also be shown on the board after they are decided.

- - - Player Rules - - -

As a guest, you aren't required to read the following rules. The broad picture of what players are trying to achieve will be described in guest rules as well.


The goal of the game is to secure as many electoral votes as possible by swaying the right amount of voters in as many locations as possible.

⌛ Day and Submission structure

The game is divided into a 48 hour pregame and 5 rounds, called days.

<:garnet:1140773484440604854> The pregame will feature a garnet bid, explained later.

Guests will only have a 24h pregame and will be offset 1 day from the players.

When players are playing day 2, guests are playing day 3.

When players are playing day 5, guests are done with the game.

✏️ Each deadline, all players will plan out the whole day, deciding what they do at which point in the day.

Each day is divided into 600 minutes, which happen from 12pm to 10pm.

<:playerDems:1141243129400410196> Dems starts his day early, campaigning from 10am to 10pm.

The three actions a player can make each minute are as follows:

  • Stay at their current location. For every minute spent in a location, the player will get the vote of 1 person.
  • Travel via railroads. Each railroad will take some amount of time to travel, during which you don't get any voters and can't make actions.
  • <:garnet:1140773484440604854> Spend 1 garnet to instantly get the vote of 20 people. Only 1 garnet can be spent per minute.

Staying at a location is the default action, it will be taken if a player doesn't submit a travel for that minute.

🔍 An example submission of a player starting in G can look something like this:

12:30 - go to H 13:37 - go to L 15:50 - go to H 18:03 - go to P 21:20 - go to O

⚠️ There are 2 restrictions to making a valid path.

  • Players must end their day in a city and not on the railroad.
  • Players must not be on a railroad when it closes.

Closing Railroads

Guests will be spending their game closing down railroads, making traveling between cities more difficult.

Guests will be able to close down any railroad once per day for 30 minutes in 30 minute intervals. Check the guest rules for a more thorough explanation.

What railroads are closed and when is revealed to players at the start of the round.

As a reminder, travelling takes time, so closing a railroad will put it out of commission for more than 30 minutes.

🔍 For example, the road connecting A and B takes 35 minutes to travel.

If it is closed, then no player can use it 35 minutes before it's closed (because it would close while the player is still on it) and 30 minutes after it's closed (because guests close it for 30 minutes).

This means that a road closed at 2:00 becomes unusable from 1:25 till 2:30. Round updates will have the exact time span a road is closed.

Cities and Voters

The map will feature 15 different locations.

Each location can be either a town, a city or a capital, which will give 1, 2 or 3 electoral votes respectively.

✏️ Each player will start in one of the 4 towns adjacent to the capital.

<:garnet:1140773484440604854> During the first 24 hours of the pregame, players will bid a number of garnets to decide which of the 4 gray towns to start in by giving a ranked list of all 4.

After the first day of pregame is over, submissions are processed from highest to lowest bid and the player gets the town highest on the list that's not taken by any of the previous submissions and they pay a number of garnets equal to the next highest bid.

🔍 For example, if the 4 players bid 15, 9, 7, 2; then the players will pay 9, 7, 2 and 0 garnets respectively.

<:playerDems:1141243129400410196> Dems will receive 7 garnets to be used specifically for this bid. If those garnets aren't used, they are discarded.

Ties in bids are broken in favor of Dems, then Tog, then Pengu, then Grunkle.

To control a location, a player needs to have the most votes out of any other player.

Tying isn't enough to remove control, a player has to overtake the voter count to get control of a location.

The towns that the players start in will automatically have half of the population supporting the player that started there.

Each minute spent in a location will sway 1 voter.

The voters who are undecided will be swayed first.

If there are no undecided voters, voters aligned with the least supported player in the location will be swayed

🔍 For example, if Red has 200 votes, Blue has 100 and there are 150 undecided voters, staying in the city for 300 minutes will sway the 150 undecided, then 100 of Blue and then 50 of Red.

Spending a garnet will function identically to spending 20 minutes there.

Game End

When 5 days pass, the game concludes and an election happens.

All towns give 1 electoral vote to the player with the most voters swayed there, all cities give 2 votes and the capital gives 3.

<:ToL:1140773480728629398> The player with the most electoral votes wins a ToL and 7 garnets.

The guest supporting them wins a finals item.

<:EC:1140773478841188483> The player with the least votes becomes EC.


Players can spend garnets in following ways:

  • Pregame Garnet Bid for starting locations
  • Spending 1 garnet to sway 20 voters

⚠️ Garnets will have an important use in F3, but will not have a use in finals.

There will be an easy way to gain garnets in F3, carryover garnets will matter but not as much as this MM.

Available Information:

Revealed publicly, at round start:

  • A map with all cities and roads.
  • Location of all players.
  • Total amount of voters in each city.
  • Which player controls which city.
  • How many votes the controlling player has.

  • Which railroads are blocked and when.

Revealed privately, at round start:

  • How many votes you have in all locations.

- - - @Guest Rules - - -

As a player, please study these rules as well. They will have details that aren't outlined in player rules.

Days and Minutes.

The game is divided into a 24 hour pregame and 5 rounds, called days.

At the end of the pregame, a map with all players' starting locations will be revealed.

Players will have a 48h pregame instead and will be playing 1 day later than guests.

When guests are playing day 2, players are playing day 1.

Players will also play for one more day after guests are done.

Each day, you will be managing railroads, closing some of them for "maintenance", making travelling between cities more difficult.

You're submitting plans for the whole next day. The days will be divided into minutes from 12pm to 10pm.

Players will be able to submit actions on any of the 600 minutes of the day.

Dems will also have an advantage, having 720 minutes per day instead of 600.

Guests, however, can only act once every 30 minutes, giving 20 possible action points.


Players' objective is to control cities by having more votes there than any other player.

Guests' goal is to assist players in achieving that goal by blocking paths for other players.

Submissions and Overall game flow.

✏️ In this game, guests are able to schedule any railroad for a 30 minute maintenance.

To do so, in the confessionals channel the guest should name the road (by naming the two locations it connects, like AC or BH) and say when they want it blocked (at 5:30, for example).

There are 3 restrictions for closing roads:

  • Guests can only close one road at a time on a :00 or :30 minute mark.
  • A single guest can't close the same road more than once per day.
  • A guest can only close 20 roads over the course of the whole game.

🔍 An example submission can look something like this:

2:00 - Close AB 2:30 - Close GH 5:30 - Close BD

The roads any guest choses will be impossible to travel for the travel duration before the specified time and for 30 minutes after the specified time.

🔍 For example, the road connecting A and B takes 35 minutes to travel.

If it is closed, then no player can use it 35 minutes before it's closed and 30 minutes after it's closed.

This means that a road closed at 2:00 becomes unusable from 1:25 till 2:30.

Players will be informed of all road closures for the day when the deadline ends. They will need to plan around the roads you close.

Game End

After the guests are done with their 5 days, players will play 1 more day.

After that day ends, all locations will give electoral votes to the player who has the most votes in that location.

<:ToL:1140773480728629398> The player with the most electoral votes wins the MM.

The guest invited by the winning player will get a finals item, allowing the guest to affect the outcome of the whole org.

<:EC:1140773478841188483> The player with the least votes becomes EC.

📌 Amendment: In case of endgame ties, they are broken by results of the pregame bid.


Area control
