
In this Main Match, vote to eliminate your target while keeping yourself alive.

Designer(s): Shardren Match Type: MM (for 14 players)
Featured in: Shardren's Minecraft Genius: How to Survive

Your first Main Match is Hitlist.

In this game you will be voting to 'kill' each other over a maximum of 13 rounds, in order to eliminate your target, and keep yourself alive.

At the start of the game, you will be told in private of the 1 person you are going to target for this Match.

Everyone will only target 1 person, and no one will lack someone targeting them.

Each round, players will submit a vote on whom they'd like to kill.

The player with the most votes, will be killed, and the next round will begin.

There is however, a way to surpass the most votes against someone.

Along with you being told your target at the start of the game, you are also told of your target's weakness.

If you and your target's weakness vote for your target in the same round, that will beat any majority or plurality.

No one will know whom is targeting them, or whom their weakness is.

If there are more than 1 instances of the previous scenario mentioned in any given round, then whichever case has more votes will succeed.

In the Hitlist chain, a player will not be a weakness to the two players next to them.

Each player will have 1 weakness, and will never lack a weakness.

Every player will have 8 books to cast their vote in over the whole game.

This forces you to abstain on some rounds.

Each round, players may only vote once, or abstain.

You may not trade, or donate votes to others.

When submitting a vote you MUST sign the book.

Killed players will still be able to vote like normal.

The game will last no longer than 13 rounds, and will end when there is 1 player left alive.

Rounds 1 and 2 will last 7 minutes before voting closes, and every round afterwards will only last 5 minutes.

In the event a vote ties, the tiebreaker will be previous votes cast against said parties, and if the tie still persists, then both will be killed simultaneously

At the end of each round, the killed player will be announced starting after the fourth round. Once the fourth round has concluded, then all killed players will be revealed.

The winners of the Main Match are those who out live their target, AND out live the player that is targeting them

The Elimination Candidate is the player who failed to 'kill' their target

The Winners of the Main Match will gain 1 garnet, and the last player alive will gain 3 garnets

Any extra votes you have unused at the end will turn into 1 emerald for each book you did not vote with


Live MM    (The game is a Main Match that is specifically designed to be played in a live session.)

Voting    (The game involves players voting as a mechanic.)