Bridge Too Far

Summary: In this Death Match, use your pieces to make a bridge to the other side before your opponent can.

Designer(s): Shardren

Featured in: Shardren's Minecraft Genius: How to Play

Match Type: DM (for 2 players)


Your Second and Fifth Death Matches are Bridge Too Far.

Your goal is to make a bridge from your color's side to the other colors side. You will have a select amount of pieces to play on the board on your turn.

These pieces include 4 pieces known as invisible tiles.

Use one on your turn and if your opponent ever attempts to place something on a tile where you have an invisible tile, it will be overtaken by your color.

If both players manage to place an invisible tile on the same spot, there will be considered to be no invisible tile on that space.

Diagonals will not count as a bridge. So this example board does not count

If the game ties, like this board here, there will be no point given, and on all future rounds both players gain an extra invisible tile.

The first player to win 2 games, is the winner of this Death Match, and will take their opponent's garnets.




