Grid Adaptation

Summary: In this Main Match, master the Game of Life to proliferate your binary sequence.

Designer(s): pseudonam

Featured in: Genius Game 4

Match Type: MM (for 8 players)


Defeat the other players in a team-centric Game of Life simulation. However, here you won’t have just one team; you’ll have three.


Main Match 6 will be played on a 15x15 grid across 8 rounds. After the 24 hour pregame phase, each player will privately receive a unique binary sequence from 000-111.


For each round, players must submit any space on the grid to place a tile on. In the first round, players may submit three spaces at once.

Players will also have three reserve tiles, which they can play in any round. However, players may not play two of their reserve tiles in the same round.

In a given round, the following occurs:

Players will place their tiles on spaces without tiles on them. If only one player plays a tile on a space without a tile already on it, the tile is placed. If two or more players place a tile on any space, all such tiles are not placed.

Each tile will share the same binary sequence as the player that placed it.

After all tiles are placed on the grid, tiles will be formed, will remain, or will be erased by the following procedure (a neighbor is a horizontally adjacent, vertically adjacent, or diagonally adjacent tile):

If a square has no tile on it, and it has exactly 3 neighbors, a tile is formed on that square. The binary sequence formed on that square will be generated by the following:

For each of the three positions, if the majority of its neighbors have a 1 in that position, the digit in that position will be a 1. If the majority of its neighbors have a 0 in that position, the digit in that position will be a 0.

If a square has a tile on it (not counting tiles created that round), and it has exactly 2 or 3 neighbors, it stays there for the next phase, with the same binary sequence. If it has any more or less, the tile vanishes.

At the end of each round, for each tile, players will gain one point for each digit on each tile that matches their sequence in the respective position. For example, if a space has the sequence 110, and a player has the sequence 100, the player would score 2 points from that space.

The grid is posted after each round is complete, as well as the scores corresponding to the eight binary sequences.

In addition, during Rounds 4 and 7, you may flip up to 1 bit of your binary sequence, which will occur before all other events of that round.


The player with the most points after the final round wins two Tokens of Life. If there is a tie for first place, all of those who are tied win one ToL, provided that no more than three players are tied for first. If four or more players are tied for first, no ToLs are given out.

The player with the fewest points is the Elimination Candidate, with ties broken by a plurality vote among those who won a ToL in the Main Match (being given a ToL does not count as winning it). If there is a tie in voting, the player with the most votes and whose voters have the highest total of garnets (after garnet rewards are given out) becomes the EC. If this is still a tie, the EC is randomized among those tied.

Players earn a garnet at the end of the Main Match if they score 200 points. For every 50 points beyond that, players score one additional garnet.


Two garnets can be used to buy an extra reserve tile. The cost doubles each time this is bought, per player.


On each round, submit a space on the 15x15 grid. On the first round, submit three such spaces. You may also submit another space to play one of your reserve tiles on.

You have 24 hours to submit.

Clarification: The procedure for forming and removing tiles is ran once per round, and is simultaneous (all tiles get calculated at once).

If you still have questions about the algorithm used, see below:

Clarification: The board is finite; that is, cells at the very corner will only have 3 neighbors.

Clarification: The 'created' tiles in "if a square has a tile on it (not counting tiles created that round)" refer to the tiles that were created that round by having exactly three neighbors, and not tiles that were placed that round.


Area control




