Numerical Melody

Summary: In this Death Match, create a sequence of digits that satisfies the most conditions.

Designer(s): e_is_cool, pseudonam

Featured in: Genius Game 4

Match Type: DM (for 2 players)




In this DM, players will be constructing musical pieces in an attempt to earn stars.


There will be 15 rounds. In each round, players will create numeral melodies that satisfy certain criteria in order to earn ★s.


A melody is a sequence of digits from 0 to 9. A melody may not have leading 0s.

In each round, each player will be given a list of requirements and criteria, and each criterion will be worth a certain amount of ★s. Players will then privately submit a melody. A melody must satisfy all requirements; otherwise, it is worth 0 ★s. For each criterion the melody satisfies (provided that it satisfies all requirements), the player will gain the amount of ★s the melody is worth.

In each round, a predetermined number of maximum ★s can be earned.

In rounds 1-2, up to 3 ★s can be earned.

In rounds 3-5, up to 4 ★s can be earned.

In rounds 7-10, up to 5 ★s can be earned.

In rounds 11-13, up to 6 ★s can be earned.

In rounds 14-15, up to 7 ★s can be earned.


At the end of the DM, whichever player has more ★s wins the DM. If this is a tie, the DMO, Grunkle, wins.


Each round will last for exactly 3 minutes. There is no reserve time; if a player does not submit a melody before then, they will earn 0 ★s for that round. If both players lock their submission for a round, a round may end early.


You may take notes during the DM; however, the use of external tools such as calculators, programs, or spreadsheet formulas is prohibited.

Addendum: The rule "A melody's length may not exceed 15 digits." has been removed.

Clarification: A substring is continuous; a subsequence is not necessarily continuous.

Clarification: The melody 0 does not contain a leading 0.

Addendum: The ★s that can be earned each round has been changed. This is because I forgot that the number 6 exists.

In rounds 1-2, up to 3 ★s can be earned.

In rounds 3-5, up to 4 ★s can be earned.

In rounds 6-9, up to 5 ★s can be earned.

In rounds 10-12, up to 6 ★s can be earned.

In rounds 13-14, up to 7 ★s can be earned.

In round 15, up to 8 ★s can be earned.

Clarification: "Up to X ★s can be earned" means that in that round, the sum of the ★ worth of every criteria is equal to X.



