Multiplanetary Empire

In this Death Match, battle your opponent real-time strategy to build your multiplanetary empire.

Designer(s): e_is_cool Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: Genius Game 4

"Definitely not Space Jam 2.0"


This game takes place on a 10 by 10 grid, with planets in some of the grids. These planets have a total of 5 different sizes, being Size 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Each planet will also have a color and a current ship count. The color of the planet shows who owns the planet, with red and blue being player aligned, and grey being neutral. The current ship count is displayed on all planets, which shows the number of ships currently on a planet. The size of the planet determines how quickly a planet produces new ships. A tick is defined as 10 seconds.

Size 1: 1 ship every 4 ticks.

Size 2: 1 ship every 2 ticks.

Size 3: 1 ship every tick.

Size 4: 2 ships every tick.

Size 5: 4 ships every tick.

Each player will start with a Size 5 planet on their corner of the map, starting with 0 ships. These planets will be on opposite corners of the map. The rest of the map will consist of at least 10 other planets. The map will not be revealed until the DM, but it is guaranteed to be 2-fold rotationally symmetrical about the center. When the map is revealed, both players will get 1 minute to plan out their moves before the DM begins.


This game takes place in real time. Every tick, the game will process all actions taken after the previous tick, and the next tick will begin. You will submit in private, and information will publicly be revealed every tick on current board information, the actions of both players, and any current ship routes. Note that the first tick will occur not when the DM begins, but 10 seconds afterwards.

During your turn, you may transport ships from one planet to another by listing the coordinates of the two planets and the number of ships you wish to transport. You may only transfer ships from a planet you own, though the destination may be of any alignment, and there must be at least that number of ships on the source planet. There are two types of ship transfers.

Standard Warp: Takes 10 * (Cartesian distance between the centers of the planets) seconds, rounded up to the nearest tick.

Quantum Warp. Takes 5 * (Cartesian distance between the centers of the planets) seconds, rounded up to the nearest tick. However, this type of warp is dangerous, and you will lose half of your ships rounded up in this warp.

Planets will process actions in this order:

Process all ships going out

Process all ships going in that are of the same color

Process all ships going in that are of a different color

Increase the number of ships based on the planet size

When a planet processes ships going in, it does so in the following manner:

If it's the same color, the number of ships of the fleet is just added to the planet's ship count.

If the color of the destination planet is neutral or of an opposing color, and the number of ships going in is less than or equal to the number of ships currently on the planet, the number of ships on the planet will decrease by the number of attacking ships.

If the color of the destination planet is neutral or of an opposing color, and the number of ships going in is greater than the number of ships currently on the planet, then the planet's alignment changes to that of the attacking ship, and will have [number of attacking ships] minus [number of defending ships] number of ships.

If the color of the destination planet is neutral and there are multiple attacking ships of different colors, then the player who had more incoming ships will invade with [X - Y] ships, where X is the number of ships of the player who had more ships, and Y is the number of ships of the player who had less ships.


When a player no longer has control of any planet, they lose the DM and the opponent wins.


As the game takes place in real time, there are no additional timing restrictions. However, every 180 ticks (30 minutes), the number of ships produced by each planet will double.


You may take notes during the DM; however, the use of external tools such as calculators, programs, or spreadsheet formulas is prohibited.

Clarification: Cartesian distance is literally just the distance between two points in 2D Euclidean space.

Addendum: The maximum number of ships a planet can have is 999.

Addendum: When a planet changes ownership, its production tick is reset. So a planet of size 1 being conquered on tick 7 would next produce ships on tick 11.

"Goofspiel: The Game of Pure Strategy"


In this game, players will fight wars in 7 different galaxies in order to win the DM. There are 7 different galaxies: Andromeda, Butterfly, Cartwheel, Draco, Eye of Sauron, Fireworks, Garland, abbreviated as the letters from A to G.

Each galaxy has a different strategic value, from 1 to 7.

Each galaxy also has 7 planets. Each planet has a letter label, from T to Z. A planet can be uniquely identified by its galaxy and label, so a planet might be called A-T or F-Z. Each planet within a galaxy has a different worth. Within a galaxy, there will be planets with a worth from 1-7.


Each player will get a set of 49 fleets. Each player will have 7 fleets of each size from 1 to 7. A fleet beats another fleet if its size is strictly greater than the other.

At the beginning of the DM, the order in which the players will fight for the galaxies is revealed. However, the value of each galaxy will only be revealed at the beginning of the bout.

In each bout, the order of the 7 planets will be revealed. Each bout has 7 rounds, and in each round, the planet's worth will be revealed, then both players will simultaneously send a fleet to battle. Whoever's fleet is greater wins that planet. At the end of the 7 rounds, whoever's planets has more net worth wins the bout, and the galaxy. In the case of ties, neither player gets the planet/galaxy.


After each galaxy has been fought over, whichever player has more strategic value in their galaxies wins the DM. If this is a tie, then the DM will be replayed until there is a winner.


Players have 10 seconds per turn, with no reserve time. If you run out of time, you will automatically send a fleet of size 0, and the largest fleet you have will be destroyed.


You may NOT take notes during the DM. However, the use of external tools such as calculators, programs, or spreadsheet formulas is permitted.


Area control    (The game involves controlling more area on the board in order to win.)

Miscellaneous    (The game tests a miscellaneous set of skills.)

Simultaneous    (The game involves players taking their turns simultaneously.)

Strategy    (The game tests the players' strategic & tactical abilities.)