Polar RPS Party

In this Main Match, choose the right rooms and use your items effectively to navigate a large game of rock-paper-scissors.

Designer(s): pseudonam Match Type: MM (for 10 players)
Featured in: Genius Game 4

It seems unlikely that Rock, Paper, Scissors would get everybody partying, but with tickets, polarity, and bombs thrown into the mix, you’ll find yourself raving along with everybody else in no time!


Main Match 4 will be played over 9 rounds. There are 3 rooms: Rock, Paper, and Scissors; players may only communicate with others in the same room. During the pregame phase, players will choose which room they will begin in, what their starting sign will be (positive or negative), and which Party Bombs they start with. Each player begins the game with 4 Tickets, 2 Sign Swaps, and 2 Party Bombs.


Each player chooses to enter one of the three rooms in the pregame phase, and can move to a different room at the end of each round by spending a Ticket. A Sign Swap can be used to reverse one’s sign, while a Party Bomb can be used to apply a special effect to a room.

Players begin the game with 2 Party Bombs of their choice. Party Bombs have various effects and can be played on any room, but each player may only use 1 Party Bomb per round. The types of Party Bombs are listed below:

Confetti Bomb: All players in this room score 1 additional point.

Double Bomb: All players in this room score twice as many points as they would normally have, not counting the effects of other Party Bombs.

Polarity Bomb: All players in this room whose sign appears less frequently than the other sign in the same room score 2 additional points.

Ticket Bomb: All players in this room gain an additional Ticket.

Multiple Party Bombs can stack. Playing duplicate Party Bombs on the same room does not cause that Party Bomb's effect to stack (e.g. if 2 Confetti Bombs are played on the same room in the same round, players in that room only get 1 bonus point that round, not 2).

Tickets, Sign Swaps, and Party Bombs cannot be transferred to other players.

At the end of each round, players who chose to spend a Ticket move to their new rooms, players who chose to use a Sign Swap have their sign reversed, and points are scored as follows:

For each player in the room that your room beats, you score 1 point (Rock beats Scissors, Paper beats Rock, and Scissors beats Paper).

For each player in the room that your room is beaten by, you lose 1 point.

If your sign appears less frequently in your room than the opposite sign, you score 1 additional point.

Party Bombs then go off and apply their special effects. Note that it is possible to score (and go into) negative points. No points are scored during the pregame phase (when players first move into their rooms).

After each round, the players in each room (taking into account movements) and their respective signs (taking into account sign swaps) are revealed. It is also revealed which Party Bombs were used on which rooms, but not who the users of the Party Bombs were. The scoreboard is also made public.


The player with the most points after the final round wins two Tokens of Life, and the player with the second-most points wins one ToL. If there is a tie for first place, all of those who are tied win one ToL, with no further ToLs being given out. If there is a sole winner and a tie for second place, only two ToLs are given out; the sole winner chooses which of the tied players wins the other ToL. At most four players can tie for first and receive ToLs; if more than four people tie for first, no ToLs are given out.

A garnet is awarded at the end of the Main Match for every 7 points a player has scored.

The player with the lowest score is the Elimination Candidate, with ties broken by a plurality vote among those who won a ToL in the Main Match (being given a ToL does not count as winning it). If there is a tie in voting, the player with the most votes and whose voters have the highest total of garnets (after garnet rewards are given out) becomes the EC. If this is still a tie, the EC is randomized among those tied.


Tickets, Sign Swaps, and Party Bombs can each be purchased for 1 garnet, but each additional purchase of the same item costs 1 more garnet than the last (the different kinds of Party Bombs are all considered to be the same item).


Submit your starting room, sign, and Party Bombs during the 48 hour pregame phase. Invalid and blank submissions for your room or sign will result in them being randomized, while invalid or blank submissions for your starting Party Bombs will result in you losing them.

You have 24 hours each round to submit Ticket, Sign Swap, and Party Bomb uses. If you choose to use a Ticket, specify which room you are moving to. If you choose to swap your sign, state that you are using a Sign Swap. If you choose to play a Party Bomb on a room, specify which Bomb you are using and which room you are using it on. Invalid submissions for Tickets, Sign Swaps, and Party Bombs are treated as blank submissions for that respective item (e.g. if you make an invalid Ticket submission but a valid Party Bomb submission, only your Ticket submission is cancelled).

Clarification: Polarity is only calculated for each room. Party Bombs can be played on any room (including rooms one is not in).

Edit: Only one type of each Party Bomb can be activated in a single room in a single round. If there are two or more of the same Party Bomb played in a single room, the room would be affected as if only a single Party Bomb was played, but all Party Bombs played will be used up.

Clarification: Each player's sign and room is revealed after the pregame phase (similarly to what is revealed after a regular round), but their starting Party Bombs are not.

Clarification: You are allowed to create/use private chats, but only if all of the players in said private chat are in the same room.

Addendum: If you do not specify which room you are using a Party Bomb on, it will be used on the room you are ending the round in.


Limited communication    (The game cuts or restricts communications in some way between players.)

RPS    (The game involves elements of the classic game Rock Paper Scissors.)