Submarine Warfare

In this Death Match, engage in a warfare of information and power where you and your opponent's units are hidden.

Designer(s): e_is_cool Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: Genius Game 4

Death Match 6: Submarine Warfare

Also known as Fog of War Simulator 3000.


This game is played on an 7x7 ocean of cells, with the rows labelled 1-7 and the columns labelled A-G. Each player has 5 submarines that they control. One player will control submarines a-e, while the other controls submarines v-z.

At the beginning of the game, each player will place their five submarines on their home row, defined as either row 1 or 7. The DMO, MarcerMercer, will choose which player starts on row 1 and which player starts on row 7. At the start of the game, the submarines are surfaced, and both players will learn their locations.

As the DMO, MarcerMercer will also choose which player goes first.


Each player will take turns controlling their submarines. Submarines have two states: surfaced and submerged. When submarines are surfaced, both players can see their location and the actions performed by and on it; when they are submerged, only the player who controls them can see that information.

By default, at the beginning of a player's turn, they get 5 Action Points (AP) to spend. You may spend this in any order you wish, though you cannot spend more AP than you have, and AP does not carry over by default.

Each action has an associated AP cost which must be spent if that action is to be done.

Each submarine has by default 5 health (HP). In addition, each submarine has 4 default actions.

Move (1 AP): Move 1 space orthogonally.

Surface (0 AP): Become surfaced.

Submerge (1 AP): Become submerged.

Replace (2 AP): Replace the current special action with another unused special action.

Each submarine also has a distinct special action that is assigned. Before the DM begins, each player must submit which of their submarines has which of the special actions. The specific special actions will be detailed in a section below. Among these special actions are passive abilities, which activate at the start of their respective player’s turn without costing AP.

When a submarine collides into another submarine, defined as when a submarine attempts to move into a space that another submarine occupies, a few things happen. We will define the submarine that moved as the attacker, while the submarine that did not move is the defender. Both submarines surface. The attacker takes 1 damage while the defender takes 2 damage, and the defender moves 1 space away from the attacker. These occur at the same time. The attacking ship will have all its future actions cancelled. This movement can trigger other collisions.

You will know the health and location of your submarines at the start and end of your turn.


There are 3 ways to win the DM. The first way is to eliminate all of your opponent's submarines. The second way is to get at least 50 points at the end of your turn. The third way is to have more points than your opponent if all submarines are destroyed. In the case of this third condition being relevant, if this is a tie, the DMO, MarcerMercer, wins.

Certain spaces on the board will give points if you have submarines on that space at the end of your turn. If that submarine is surfaced, the points you gain are doubled.

D4 gives 4 points.

D3, C4, E4, and D5 give 2 points.

C3, E3, C5, and E5 give 1 point.

Every 10 rounds (that is, both players have moved 10 times) every space bordering the edge of the board is destroyed. All submarines in those spaces would lose 1 HP at the end of their respective player’s turn.


Players have 90 seconds to move once their turn begins, with 5 minutes in reserve time. All actions will be processed in the order presented by the player. Players should also post some variant of the word ‘stop’ to signify the end of their submission. If a player runs out of time and has no reserve time remaining, they instantly lose the DM.


You may take notes during the DM; however, the use of external tools such as calculators, programs, or spreadsheet formulas is prohibited.

Clarification: The second way to win can be achieved by having 50 or more points at the end of your turn; it does not have to be exactly 50.

Clarification: There cannot be two mines on one space; if a mine is placed on a space where there already is a mine, it is not placed.

Clarification: Submarines start surfaced.

Addendum: The starting state of the game (ie: the location of all ships) will be revealed right as the game begins.

Clarification: Nullify's exact wording description has been altered to affect Passive abilities that don't necessarily take place on the opponent's turn (ie: Armor and Battering Ram).

Addendum: No two of your submarines can have the same special ability.

Clarification: You cannot name Nullify with Nullify. All ability changes have been reflected in #dm6-abilities.

Clarification: Spectators can help players host (but not provide any commentary or advice about the game).

Clarification: Heal refers to orthogonally adjacent spaces. If the usage of the word 'adjacent' is unspecified, assume it means orthogonally adjacent.

Clarification: The tiles listed in Mine's placement condition have been changed.

Clarification: Destroyed submarines disappear from the map.

Addendum: It is publicly revealed when a player reaches at least 25 points.

Clarification: In collisions, the attacking ship will have all its future movements and actions canceled.

Clarification: Unused action in the context of the Replace action means an action that one of your other ships does not have.

Clarification: Subs cannot move off the map.

Clarification: Destroyed subs cannot use their actions, passive or otherwise.

Clarification: In collisions, 'future movements and actions' includes the move taken to collide -- in other words, the submarine will not move onto the opponent's former space.

Clarification: Subs cannot go over 5 HP.

Addendum: All subs also have a 0 AP action called Surface that surfaces the current sub.

@Death Match Participant

Clarification: The attacker takes 1 damage while the defender takes 2 damage, and then the defender moves 1 space away from the attacker. These occur at the same time. (Basically, the damage is simultaneous, but the damage and movement is not.)


Battling    (The game involves players attacking each other.)

Grid-based    (The game involves play on a grid.)

Psych    (The game tests the players' psychological & bluffing abilities.)

RPG    (The game takes elements from role-playing games, such as having stats and skills.)

Strategy    (The game tests the players' strategic & tactical abilities.)

Turn-based    (The game involves players taking turns one after another.)