Crystal Reaper

In this Main Match, mine crystals and collect gold around a circular board using miners that you can upgrade.

Designer(s): pseudonam Match Type: MM (for 5 players)
Featured in: Genius Game 4


In this game, players will be sending five Miners across a circular board to mine Crystals of four different colors, which can be used to upgrade Miners further. Collect the most total Gold to win the game.


There are 15 spaces on the board, which is circular and loops back to the start. Each player will have five Miners. In the 24 hours before the Main Match starts, players will assign the five miners the following roles (will be explained more in detail later):

Bully - Can choose to increase the move of every Miner on the same space by one (including itself). This stacks.

Claimer - Passively counts as two players during Crystal/Gold distribution.

Prospector - Passively gains an extra Gold in each round where it earns some Gold from the primary distribution, and similarly for each color of Crystal.

Scout - Can move up to two additional spaces (for a total of five).

Thief - Passively takes one Gold from all other Miners on the same space. Players can go into negative Gold.

Players will also assign their Miners to a different initial space. They take no actions on the space they start on, and only take actions on later spaces they move to.


The Main Match will last 7 rounds, 24 hours each.

In each round, players must move each of their Miners anywhere from 1-3 spaces forward. The Scout can move anywhere from 1-5 spaces forward.

At the end of the round, all Miners on a space will evenly divide each of the resources. Claimers count as two people in the division process. Remainders will remain on the space for later rounds, if not taken by an upgrade discussed later.

Each space will gain a certain amount of Crystals and/or Gold at the start of each round. Furthermore, for every round, each space which would already earn Gold will gain an additional X Gold, where X is the round number.

Space 1 - Gains 6 Yellow Crystals and 3 Red Crystals at the start of every round.

Space 2 - Gains 2 Red Crystals, 2 Blue Crystals, 2 Green Crystals, and 2 Yellow Crystals at the start of every round.

Space 3 - Gains 5 Gold at the start of every round. Ability: All Claimers at this location earn an additional Gold.

Space 4 - Gains 5 Blue Crystals and 4 Red Crystals at the start of every round.

Space 5 - Gains 5 Green Crystals and 4 Yellow Crystals at the start of every round.

Space 6 - Gains 5 Gold at the start of every round. Ability: All Bullies at this location earn an additional Gold.

Space 7 - Gains 6 Red Crystals and 3 Green Crystals at the start of every round.

Space 8 - Gains 6 Blue Crystals and 3 Yellow Crystals at the start of every round.

Space 9 - Gains 5 Gold at the start of every round. Ability: All Prospectors at this location earn an additional Gold.

Space 10 - Gains 5 Red Crystals and 4 Blue Crystals at the start of every round.

Space 11 - Gains 6 Green Crystals and 3 Blue Crystals at the start of every round.

Space 12 - Gains 5 Gold at the start of every round. Ability: All Scouts at this location earn an additional Gold.

Space 13 - Gains 7 Gold at the start of every round.

Space 14 - Gains 5 Yellow Crystals and 4 Green Crystals at the start of every round.

Space 15 - Gains 5 Gold at the start of every round. Ability: All Thieves at this location earn an additional Gold.

Everything a Miner earns in a round will go to its respective player.

Each Miner has four traits, which are linked to Crystals: these are Scavenging (Red), Exposure (Blue), Dexterity (Yellow), and Friendship (Green). Each Miner starts out with each of their traits at Level 0. Players can upgrade a Miner’s trait with X+1 of the trait’s respective Crystal, where X is the current level of the Miner’s trait. Upon upgrading a trait, the Miner’s trait increases by one. For each miner, each trait can be levelled at most once per round. Upgrades will be processed after movement but before distribution. The description of each trait is listed below:

Scavenging: All Miners with the highest Scavenging trait on a space will split the remaining Crystals or Gold on the space evenly. Claimers do not count as two Miners for this split. Further remainders will remain on the space.

Exposure: All Miners with the highest nonzero Exposure trait in a given space will gain one Gold.

Dexterity: Miners cannot be stolen from by Thieves or have their move increased by Bullies if they have a strictly greater Dexterity level than the Thief/Bully affecting them.

Friendship: For every seven levels of Friendship on a single space, every Miner on that space earns 1 Gold.

Players will know the amounts of Crystals and Gold other players have.


At the end of the game, players can create 1 Gold using 1 of each Crystal. Players will automatically do so until no longer possible.

Whoever has the most Gold gains Two Tokens of Life. If there is a tie, the tied players gain one Token of Life each, provided there are two or less such players. If there are three or more, no ToLs are given out.

Whoever has the least Gold is the Elimination Candidate.

Players earn a Garnet for every 40 Gold they have.


At the start of the game, assign the starting spaces for each of your miners.

In every round, indicate if you want to use a Miner’s special ability, if applicable, and move every Miner 1-3 spaces.

You can also choose to upgrade Miners.

It is preferred you submit in this format, as a bot will be used for hosting. A miner is referred to by a single letter: b, c, p, s, or t, and the four gem colors are referred to as r, b, y, and g.

Movement: “move [miner] [number of spaces]”. Ex: “move s 4”

Upgrade: “upgrade [miner] [crystal color]”. Ex: “upgrade b r”

Bully: “bully [number of spaces]”. Ex: “bully 1”

You have 24 hours to do so.


You can use two garnets to use in place of a Crystal when upgrading a Miner’s trait. The cost increases by four every time you use it.

You don't need a special command for this, I can deal with this manually.

Edit: The number of levels required for 1 Gold from Friendship has been changed to seven.

Clarification: If Miners are tied for a nonzero value of Exposure, they all gain 1 Gold. This has been reflected in the rules.

Clarification: Only two players can tie for first place, at maximum. Otherwise, no ToLs are given.

Edit: Prospectors only gain extra Gold/Crystals if they have earned the Gold/Crystals from the primary distribution (not counting scavenging, exposure, friendship, or additional gold from certain spaces). This has been reflected in the rules.

Clarification: Thief’s ability takes place after movement.

Edit: The wording for Scavenging has been claimed to include 'Claimer', not 'Bargainer' (archaic name for claimer)

Clarification: Everything is public in this game, including miners, their roles, player Crystals, miner upgrades, and so on.

Clarification: The Miners will no longer be named A/B/C/D/E, but are referred to by their respective player and their role, separated by a hyphen (ie, Liridium's Thief is referred to as Liridium-T)

Addendum: If you were to upgrade a Miner's Dexterity in a certain round, that could be used to affect whether the Miner can be Bullied in the same round. This is an exception, as normally upgrades occur after movement but before distribution.

Also, Thief's ability activates after movement.

Clarification: Scavenging only activates if it is non-zero.


Optimization    (The game tests the players' abilities to find optimal solutions.)