Color Dominoes

In this Death Match, place dominoes created by both players' submissions to earn points.

Designer(s): MarcerMercer Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: Exordium

In this game, players compete to place dominos of connecting and matching colors to earn points.

Each turn, both players may privately choose between one of four different tile colors: red, blue, purple, and black. The two choices the players make are combined into a “domino” of the two different tiles. This domino will then be placed on an 8x8 grid for points. You may only place a domino such that it connects with an existing domino or anywhere if it is the first domino.

Each tile color has a unique property.

Red and blue tiles are the main way to earn points. You may form a group of red or blue tiles by placing them onto the board. Groups are defined as at least 2 tiles of the same color that are connected orthogonally and linearly (in a straight line). You score points equal to the size of groups you form and name during that turn. If you form both a red and blue group in the same turn and you name them both, you earn points from both groups.

Purple tiles act as both red and blue tiles and can be parts of both groups. Purple tiles also act as bends, allowing you to extend groups non-linearly. When calculating points with purple tiles, there may be multiple possible groups and the player must name one group that includes the purple tile and receive the corresponding number of points. If the group is invalid, the player will be asked to resubmit. If a domino with a purple tile is placed in such a way that it is part of both a red group and blue group, the purple tile is only treated as part of one of the colored groups of the player’s choice. Both players may only play purple tiles in 4 distinct turns.

Black tiles do not earn any points, even when connected together orthogonally. Instead, they act as disruptors that break up the board. In addition, when placing a black tile, all orthogonally adjacent tiles with tiles already placed that are not part of the domino being placed are also turned into a black tile. If on your turn a domino consisting of only black tiles is formed, you will gain 5 points.

The player who reaches 50 points first is the winner. Alternatively, the player who has the most points when a domino can’t be placed is the winner. If the players tie, then the DMO, @Steve, is the winner.

Clarification: Both players submit simultaneously their color each turn, but the player who places the resulting domino alternates. The DMO, @Steve, gets to choose who goes first.

Amendment: Players must declare the groups that they want to earn points from.

Clarification: Only the player whose turn it is may claim a group and earn points for that turn.


Dominoes    (The game involves dominoes tiles in its mechanics.)

Grid-based    (The game involves play on a grid.)

Points-based    (The game involves players earning points.)

Psych    (The game tests the players' psychological & bluffing abilities.)

Strategy    (The game tests the players' strategic & tactical abilities.)