Turbo Duel

In this Death Match, race your kart to finish the line before your opponent while using a shared deck.

Designer(s): MarcerMercer Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: Exordium

In this game, players race their karts on a track by playing cards from a shared deck.

This game will be played on a track of length 11, with the FINISH being on space 11 and karts starting on space 1. The game will be accompanied by a deck of 9 cards.

The DMO, Woj, will choose who goes first.

On their turn, a player may choose to play the first card, the second card, or the third card in the deck. The length of the deck as well as the current cards in it and the order of those cards will be public. When a player chooses to play a card that is not the first, all cards ahead of that card will be moved to the discard pile. Then, the chosen card’s effects will activate, and then it will move to the played cards pile.

When the deck runs out of cards, the deck will reset in the following configuration: the discard pile will be put on top, and then the played cards pile will be put on bottom to form the new deck.

Players will alternate turns until someone reaches the FINISH. If two players achieve FINISH at the same time, then the player who has traveled the furthest past the finish line wins the DM. If this value is the same, the DMO wins.

Players will have 2 minutes per turn as well as 5 minutes of reserve time. Reserve time will only be spent once a player’s turn exceeds the given 2 minutes. If a player runs out of reserve time, they will automatically lose the DM.

The initial deck configuration (as well as the card descriptions) are as follows:

A - Move your kart forward one space

B - Discard another card of your choice from the deck

C - Choose up to 2 cards to put back on top of the deck from the discard pile in any order

D - Move your kart forward 2 spaces

E - Exchange the place of two cards in the deck

F - Choose a space; when your opponent lands on that space, they lose their next turn

G - Move your kart forward 3 spaces

H - Move the same distance as your opponent next turn

I - Move your kart back 1 space


Here is what the board should look like at the start of the game.

Player one may choose to play either A, B, or C on the first turn. Let us assume they play C.

Then, A and B enter the discard pile in the order A then B, and C enters the played cards pile.

Player two wants to play F. To do so, they must discard D and E, then move F to the played cards pile.

When playing F, they may declare any row to place a bomb on. This bomb will be marked with an X. This bomb will also be there forever until the opponent lands on it; only then will its effects activate and the bomb will disappear.

It is player one's turn again: they will discard G and H and play I.

Once the deck is empty, first, the played card will activate. In this case, it moves player one back one, which does nothing.

After the effects of the last card activate, the deck will be reset, with the discard pile being on top of the played cards in the new deck, as such.


Cards    (The game involves cards of any kind.)

Grid-based    (The game involves play on a grid.)

Nim-like    (The game takes elements from the mathematical game of strategy Nim.)

Race    (The game involves players or objects in a race to the finish.)

Strategy    (The game tests the players' strategic & tactical abilities.)

Turn-based    (The game involves players taking turns one after another.)