Draft Auction Poker

In this Death Match, bid for the right to select the community cards that best fit your poker hand.

Designer(s): MarcerMercer Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: Exordium

In this game, two players attempt to make the best poker hand to bet on.

Players start the game with 50 chips. Each round, each player is dealt two cards to their hand. An additional three cards will be dealt as the “flop” — community cards for both players. After this, six additional cards are revealed as the “draftable” cards. Players will take turns betting on the right to choose the fourth card out of this set of draftable cards. The DMO, @Anon, may choose if he wants to bet first or second in the first round. Every following round, who bets first alternates. The player who wins the bet turns in their chips and chooses one of the six cards as the fourth card — the “turn.” Only the player who wins the bet must pay the betted amount of chips; the loser of the bet gets all their chips back. The process repeats for the fifth card — the “river.” Each player then reveals their hand and assembles their best 5 cards, just like in standard Texas Hold’em. Whoever has the better hand wins a single point. All cards revealed in the round, including those not drafted but were “draftable,” are discarded from the deck. Every 3 rounds, a new deck of 52 cards is used. That is, rounds 1, 2, and 3 will pull from the same deck, and then round 4 will have a new deck of 52 cards for use in rounds 4, 5, and 6.

This process repeats until someone reaches 11 points. The player who reaches 11 points first is the winner of the Death Match and will proceed to the next episode of Exordium.

Clarification: If both players fully run out of chips and have 0 each, we will then and only then give each death match participant an additional 15 chips to bet with.


Auction    (The game involves an auction in which players participate.)

Betting    (The game involves poker-style betting.)

Cards    (The game involves cards of any kind.)

Drafting    (The game involves players drafting items from a pool, usually by taking turns or using a priority system.)

Poker-like    (The game is inspired by the game of poker.)

Psych    (The game tests the players' psychological & bluffing abilities.)

Strategy    (The game tests the players' strategic & tactical abilities.)