A Murder of Crows

In this Main Match, either murder as the crows or survive as the cats.

Designer(s): MarcerMercer Match Type: MM (for 8 players)
Featured in: Exordium

In this game, players will be given one of two roles, with the Crows attempting to murder the Cats while the Cats attempt to survive.

At the beginning of the game, 4 random players will be chosen as the Crows and the 4 other players will be chosen as the Cats. The Crows will not know who the other Crows are, and the Cats will not know who the other Cats are — that is, each player will only know their own role.

With their first submission, players must first submit which room they want to be in during Round 1. There are three rooms in this game: the Room of Wisdom, the Room of Law, and the Room of Ice. Which players begin in which rooms will be publicly announced. There will be a maximum of 9 rounds. At the beginning of the game, Cats will have 3 lives and Crows will have 30 HP (hunger points).

Each round, all players must deliberate with the players in their rooms and decide on who to privately vote for in their room. All players may only vote for a player in their room, and all players may also only talk to the players in their room. Talking to players outside of your room is forbidden; you may not use any pair chats or alliance chats that have players outside of your room. The player who receives the most votes in their room is the person who gets attacked for the turn, but only Crow votes will actually count. That is, if 3 cats all vote for Emily but 1 crow votes for John, John will be the one who will be attacked because all cat votes are disregarded. If a Crow receives the most votes, the attack is negated. If a Cat receives the most votes or is tied for the most votes through this process, they lose 1 Life, while the Crow(s) that voted for the Cat gain a varying amount of HP depending on how many Crows voted for that Cat.

If one Crow voted for the Cat, that Crow gains 12 HP.

If two Crows voted for the Cat, the Crows that voted for the Cat each gain 6 HP.

If three Crows voted for the Cat, the Crows that voted for the Cat each gain 4 HP.

If four Crows voted for the Cat, the Crows that voted for the Cat each gain 3 HP.

If there are multiple Cats that tie for the most votes, both Cats will be attacked and both attacks will go through the normal parsing. The receiver of the most votes is announced among those in the room, but not the vote count. In case of a tie, attacks go through but the announcement will just say the vote tied. If no one gets any votes, the announcement will just say the vote tied.

Players must also submit which room they would like to be in next round each round. At the end of each round, Crows will automatically always lose 12 HP. If, after the attacks and this automatic loss has been processed, a Crow has less than or equal to 0 HP, they die and are removed from the game. If a Cat ever loses all their lives, they also die and are removed from the game. Dead players no longer submit which room they want to go to, can no longer vote, and can no longer communicate with any alive players. Dead players may communicate with other dead players, however. Deaths will be publicly announced. If a Crow does not die, their HP will not be announced to them or to anyone else. Cats will always be privately alerted to the amount of Lives they have left. After all deaths have been processed, the players in each room in the new round is publicly announced, and the process repeats.

If a player ever fails to submit during a round, they will vote for themselves and stay in the same room.

Each player will also get one Wild Card at the start of the game. Using the Wild Card grants the user, whether a Crow or a Cat, a one-time advantage. If you are a Crow, Wild Cards can be used to check your HP for a round. If you are a Cat, Wild Cards can be used to earn the right to submit two valid votes in one round, bypassing the inability for Cats to vote. The Cat may use this ability to cast two votes on one player or one vote on two players. You may purchase additional Wild Cards for 2 garnets.

If all the Crows die, then all surviving Cats receive a Token of Life and must choose an EC among the Crows. If all the Cats die, then all surviving Crows receive a Token of Life and must choose an EC among the Cats. If all remaining players die in the same round, the last players to die win a Token of Life, and the first player to die is EC. If there are multiple players that died first, the winners choose an EC from among them. If there are both Crows and Cats alive by the end of Round 9, all surviving Crows receive a Token of Life and must choose an EC among the dead Cats.

If you were alive at the start of Round 6, you get a garnet at the end of the game. If you survive until the end of the game regardless of if you win or lose, you get 2 garnets.

Clarification: Do not try to angle-shoot and attempt to share information through secret messages of any form, whether it be your status or changing your nickname or whatever. That is explicitly not allowed and it will be enforced. Additionally, you may trade garnets only with players in your room.

Clarification: The receiver of the most votes in a room is only announced to those in that room. So whoever gets the most votes in Wisdom is only announced to those in Wisdom, for example.


Battling    (The game involves players attacking each other.)

Cards    (The game involves cards of any kind.)

Limited communication    (The game cuts or restricts communications in some way between players.)

Social deduction    (The game involves players trying to deduce other players' hidden roles.)

Teams    (The game involves the players being split into teams.)

Voting    (The game involves players voting as a mechanic.)