Blind Man's Draft


Designer(s): Toby Match Type: MM (for 10 players)
Featured in: Bang-A-Rang The Genius 1

This Main Match is played with a deck of 50 cards, containing four copies of each number from 1 to 10, as well as five Doubling cards and five Negation cards. The aim of the game is to obtain a hand of a cards with a total value that is as close as possible to 30, without exceeding 30.

At the beginning of the game, each player will be dealt five cards out of the fifty, to form their initial hands. Furthermore, the players will be randomly sorted into a seating order in a circular fashion. Each player will not be told of what cards they have in their hand, but will instead be told what is in the hands of the player opposite you, and the two players to their right. Illustrated is a possible initial hand of a player, as well as the players that know what cards are in that hand (marked with an !), and the players that do not (marked with a ?).

Player Actions

The Match will occur for 48 hours. During this time, each player must select one of their five cards to give to:

1 - The player on their left. 2 - The player on their right. 3 - The player to their opposite. 4 - Any other player of their choice excluding the three listed above. 5. Themselves.

This means that, of each player's initial hand, only a single card therein will remain in their hand. The other four will be transferred to the other nine players. Further, because each player will choose who to send their fourth card to, players may end up with differing numbers of cards in their hand.

Furthermore, each player must select which card(s) in their hand should be targeted by Doubling cards and Negating cards, if applicable. Make this selection by declaring, for example, "If I receive a Doubling card, I will double the card I receive from Aaron. If I receive a Negating card, I will negate the card I receive from Kevin. Each card does precisely what it says - a Doubling card will double the value of the card (turning a 10 into a 20, for example), while a Negating card will reduce the value of the card to 0. If a Doubling and Negating card are both applied to the same card, then the card will be worth 0. If a player attempts to Double or Negate a Doubling or Negating card, or a card that was not received (i.e. requesting to Double or Negate a card from a player that did not transfer that card to you), then the card will be wasted, and the player that wasted the card must pay a fine of 2 Garnets. If a player receives multiple Doubling or Negating cards, the additional copies will have no effect.


When each player is informed of the three other players' hands that they can see, they will be given the cards in a pre-determined order. All three players that can see this hand will be told the same order, and when selecting which cards to give away, that order will be used. So, if I see Kevin's hand has "2" as its first card, if Kevin passes me his first card, I will receive a 2.

Therefore, your submission should look something like this:

I will pass my first card to Agnes.

I will pass my second card to Beatrice.

I will keep my third card for myself.

I will pass my fourth card to Dorothy.

I will pass my fifth card to Edith.

If I receive a Doubling card, I will double the card received from Dorothy. If I receive a Negating card, I will negate the card received from Florence.


For the sum of 4 Garnets, you may be told the sum value of any players hand. Doubling and Negating cards count as 0.


The player with the highest score that does not exceed 30 will be the winner of this Main Match. If any player exceeded 30 points, the highest scoring player will be the Elimination Candidate. If no player exceeded 30, the player with the fewest points will be the Elimination Candidate. Each player with a score of 28 points will earn 1 Garnet. Each player with a score of 29 points will earn 2 Garnets. Each player with a score of 30 points will earn 4 Garnets.

If a player receives multiple Doubling or Negating cards, they will have no effect.

This should read "If a player receives multiple Doubling or Negating cards, the additional copies will have no effect."
