Fantasy Expedition


Designer(s): Toby Match Type: MM (for 9 players)
Featured in: Bang-A-Rang The Genius 1

In Fantasy Expedition, the players will be sorted into three teams: the Dwarves, the Magicians, and the Werewolves, and each player will undertake an expedition to carve out their kingdom in the surface world, by ascending the board shown below.

Object of the Game

One member of each team will win: the Dwarf that finishes in a Position as far to the right as possible, the Magician that finishes in a Position as far to the left as possible, and the Werewolf that finishes in a Position as central as possible. The player that performs the worst at meeting their team’s goal will be the Elimination Candidate.

Beginning the Match

At the start of the Match, each player will be secretly assigned a team, and publicly assigned a starting location in the expedition board. Then, the Match will commence.

During the Match

This Match will occur over the course of 48 hours, in which each player will decide where to place a Mine (if they are a Dwarf), a Portal (if they are a Magician), or a Fear Marker (if they are a Werewolf). Werewolves must also choose which direction their Fear Marker will point, and vote for the direction of the communal Fear Marker. They will also send a number from 1-9 for the communal placement.

Furthermore, for the first 24 hours, if both players agree, two players may trade starting locations. A player may trade any number of times, but both players must consent to each and every trade. After 24 hours have expired, trading is forbidden.

The Communal Placement

Each player will send a number between 1 and 9. For each team, the empty slot that is closest to the average of the three submitted numbers will have a Mine, Portal, or Fear Marker, as appropriate, placed on it.

Resolving Effects

When each player has made their decision, the Mines, Portals, and Fear Markers chosen will be placed, and, for each team, their empty slot that is closest to the average of the three communal numbers sent in will have an additional item placed there.

Mines will be placed in the bottom row, Portals in the middle row, and Fear on the top row. If two players attempt to place something on the same slot, there will still only be one on that slot. The exception is if two Werewolves attempt to place a Fear Marker on the same slot, pointing in a different direction. In this instance, they will both fail.

Once all items have been placed, the expedition will be resolved.

Resolving the Expedition

As seen above, various Mines, Portals, and Fear Markers will be placed. The Expedition is resolved thusly:

First, each player will climb to the first slot. If they encounter a Mine, they will travel to the nearest mine on their left, looping if necessary.

Then, each player will climb to the second slot. Any player encountering a Portal will travel to the next Portal to the right, looping as necessary.

Third, each player will ascend to the final red slot. Any player that encounters a Fear Marker will switch with the player on their immediate left, or right, depending on how the Fear Marker is oriented.

As an example resolution, let us follow the player that began in Position 1 in the example board above.

They climbed to the first slot, and encountered a Mine. The next Mine to their left was in Position 8, so they travel there. Next, they climb to the second slot. There is no Portal in Position 8, so they do not travel. Finally, they climb to the third slot. There is no Fear Marker on Position 8, but the player on Position 7 encounters a Fear Marker that causes her to swap with the player in Position 8. This means the player that began in Position 1 ends in Position 7.

Winning the Match

The scores for each team is determined thusly:

Dwarves will score points equal to their position. Therefore, a Dwarf that ends in Position 1 will score 1 point, while a Dwarf in Position 9 will score 9 points.

Magicians earn points equal to 10 - X, where X is their Position. Therefore, a Magician in Position 1 will earn 9 points, while a Magician in Position 9 will earn 1 point.

Werewolves earn points based on a more esoteric rule. Position 5 is worth 9 points, Position 4 is 8 points, Position 6 is 7 points, and so on down to Position 1 being worth 2 points and Position 9 being worth 1 point.

The player from each team with the most points will earn a Token of Life, and 1 Garnet. A bonus Garnet will be awarded to any player that scored 9 points.

The player with the lowest overall score will be the Elimination Candidate. In the event of a tie, the three winners will select an Elimination Candidate.

Werewolf Clarifications

If two Fear Markers are adjacent to each other and pointing at each other, those two players will simply swap.

If two Fear Markers are adjacent to each other, and pointing the same way, then the player that is being pointed to will swap with the furthest player in this chain.

To illustrate this, if Position 1 and 2 both have a Fear Marker pointing right, the player in Position 1 will go to Position 2, the player in Position 2 will go to Position 3, and the player in Position 3 will go to Position 1. If Position 3 had a Fear Marker pointing left, this would be resolved the same. If Position 3 had a Fear Marker also pointing right, then the player in Position 3 would move to Position 4, and the player in Position 4 would instead move to Position 1.
