Art Dealers


Designer(s): Toby Match Type: MM (for 11 players)
Featured in: Bang-A-Rang The Genius 1

In this Main Match, each player will be buying and selling pieces of art in order to earn as much money as possible! Each player begins the game with $100, two (identical) pieces of art, and a hint. Each piece of art is worth a different amount of money, and that amount could be negative. The maximum possible value of a piece of art is $50, although there is no guarantee that a piece of art will be worth $50. During the 48 hour period, you will be free to trade money, garnets, and art, in order to attempt to end with the highest money value.


Over 48 hours, you can at any point perform a trade with another player. You may trade art for art, or money for art, or a mixture. Trades are mostly free, with two main exceptions.

First, you may not outright gift art, or money, to a player. Gifts of garnets are still permitted, but money and art may not be gifted. Second, trades of like for like, or like for like plus something, is not permitted. So, $1 for $1 and a piece of art is not permitted. Trading two different pieces of art is permitted, but two identical pieces of art is not permitted.

Second, trades are irreversible. If two players perform a trade, they may not perform the same trade in reverse.

If you wish to perform a trade, just ping a host, or hosts, in your Dealer Room with your terms and the offer will be given to the other player. If both players assent, it will be transferred. There is no room for deceit in trading. All trades will be performed in private.

If a piece of art is never traded, if it has a worth of $1 or more, its value will reduce to $0.


Each player will be given a hint, pertaining to the values of all pieces of art, as well as the central art installation. Players may trade this information or give it away. They may fabricate information. The hosts will not confirm whether given information is true.


There is a central art piece provided. Each player is permitted, at any point, to spend money in an attempt to win the piece. The player with the highest overall total bid will receive the value of the art piece, which is not revealed to any player at the start of the game. However, the two players that spend the most money in bids will have their money spent. All others will have their money returned. If two players tie for 1st, they will both lose their money, and the highest player that isn't tied will lose their money bid, and win the installation. Any other ties of a value greater than the highest non tied player will lose their bid money too. At the conclusion of the first 24 hours, the bids of the two highest bidders, but not their identities, will be revealed.


There is an additional hint available. Any player may spend 3 Garnets in order to read this clue.


At the end of 48 hours, the player with the highest score, summing up their money, the value of the pieces of art they're holding, and the value of the central installation, if won, will be declared the winner. This player will earn two Tokens of Life, and three Garnets. The player with the least money will be the Elimination Candidate.
