On Trend


Designer(s): Toby Match Type: MM (for 13 players)
Featured in: Bang-A-Rang The Genius 1

In this Main Match, the players will be challenged to try and survive in the cutthroat world of fashion! Each player must select two outfits each day, for two days, and will aim to avoid the least popular choice (which is unfashionable), or the most popular choice (which is passé). Each outfit consists of four articles of clothing - a hat, a top, a bottom, and a pair of shoes. Each article of clothing may be either Red, Yellow, Blue, or Green, at your discretion. However, you may not wear the same outfit two times in the Match under any circumstances.

At the end of each day, your submissions will earn points! The method of earning points is as follows:

Step One - Classification

First of all, we will see if your outfit scores points! Each outfit has a classification - if all four colours are the same, it is Colour-Coordinated. If it uses 2 different colours, it is Two-Tone. If it uses three different colours, it is Three-Tone. If all four articles of clothing are different colours, it is Wild. Of these four options, the most popular and least popular options will not score this round. This means if there are 5 Two-Tone outfits, 4 Wild outfits, 3 Three-Tone outfits, and 1 Colour-Coordinated outfit, only the Wild and Three-Tone outfits will score any points.

Step Two - Scoring

Next, each article of clothing will undergo the same process - the most popular and least popular colour, out of all 13 choices, will score 0 points. The middle two choices will earn 1 point. All 13 outfits are considered to decide what is most and least popular, however only the outfits that are eligible to score per Step One will earn points.

Step Three - Bonus Point

If any outfit has managed a score of 4 points in a round, they will earn 1 bonus point for being perfectly On Trend, for a maximum score of 5 points!


In the event that multiple articles of clothing, or outfit classifications, are tied for most or least popular, all such tied articles or outfits will be considered the most, or least, popular as applicable. This means if a round ends with 1 Wild, 4 Two-Tone, 4 Three-Tone, and 4 Colour-Coordinated outfits, nobody will score any points.


However, each player has a Garnet. If you wish, you may spend 1 Garnet to choose one round, and one colour, or one classification, to tiebreak in favour of. For example, you may spend 1 Garnet to ensure that Round 2 has a tiebreaker in favour of Red articles of clothing, meaning if Red is tied with another colour for most, or least, popular, the Red article of clothing will score. If multiple people bid Garnets on different colours, and those colours are involved in a tie, the colour with the most Garnets bid will prevail. If the colours are equal, they will both not score. The number of Garnets spent, as well as who spent them, will not be revealed. You may do this as many times as you have Garnets.


After the two outfits of the second day are evaluated, the player, or players, with the most points will be declared the Winner, or the Winners. All Winners will receive a Token of Life, granting them Immunity. If only 1 person wins, they will be given a second Token, to grant to any other player. Conversely, the player with the fewest points will be the Elimination Candidate. If multiple players tie, the Winner(s) will select which will be the Elimination Candidate. Further, for every 5 points you earn, you will earn 1 Garnet.
